  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"


This package sole purpose is to provide a convenience function for taking student information/grades linked to their emails (no UTORID or student ID) and preparing it for Quercus (U of T's version of Canvas).

Mise en place (i.e. what you want to have ready)


You can install this package from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

You'll also want the tidyverse on your side.

# install.packages("tidyverse")

Read in your files

It doesn't matter what these csv are called, in the below I am just trying to mimic their automatic naming upon export to help make it easier for you to remember which is which.

# this is the file from your source, e.g. MS Forms
source_export <- read_excel("Activity-name_Grades_date.xlsx") 

# this is the file you exported from the gradebook
gradebook_export <- read_csv("datecode_Grades-course-section.csv") 

# this is the file export from the UT Advanced Group tool, but could be any file with the colums "Student Number" and "Email"
roster_from_grouper <- 

Other parameters

Get the name of the activity you want, as Quercus/Canvas has named it (i.e. with a numeric code as well as the name). It will be your activity_name parameter.

# find and copy name from here (or however you find easiest)
activity_name = "Cool learing activity (123567)"

## Putting it all together

Running this (with all the above run, too) will then write a csv file named through `paste0("import_", activity_name, "_", Sys.Date(), ".csv")` to your working directory. This should be ready for upload to Quercus/Canvas.

``` r
prepEtoID(source_export, gradebook_export, roster_from_grouper,

Complete workflow

The code below won't run for you because you don't have my student data, but I wanted to give a complete example of the workflow.

  1. Export grades from MS Forms.
  2. Export gradebook from Quercus/Canvas.
  3. Export roster from the UT Advanced Group Tool (need to activate in Navigation if you can't see it).
  4. Move all files to the directory I want them to be in.
  5. Run the below code.
  6. Import the resulting csv to Quercus/Canvas.

# read in all the files I need
source_export = read_xlsx("W10 Littering case study_Grades_2021_01_10.xlsx")
gradebook_export = read_csv("2021-01-10T1302_Grades-STA490Y1_Y_LEC0101.csv")
roster_from_grouper =
 read_csv("Roster-STA490Y1 Y LEC0101 20209_Statistical Consultation, Communication, and Collaboration (formerly STA490H1).csv")

# to find the name of the activity for the next line of code

activity_name = "W10 Littering case study (479284)"

prepEtoID::prepEtoID(source_export, gradebook_export, roster_from_grouper, activity_name)

elb0/prepPS documentation built on Jan. 23, 2021, 8:50 p.m.