as.dendrogram.hdbscan: as.dendrogram.hdbscan

Description Usage Arguments Value Note Examples


Convert an hdbscan object into a dendrogram compatible with the stats package.


## S3 method for class 'hdbscan'
as.dendrogram(object, includeNodes = FALSE, ...)



An hdbscan object.


Whether individual nodes should be included in the dedrogram. Can cause a substantial increase in the size of the object.


For compatibility with as.dendrogram, and currently ignored.


A dendrogram object, where nodes have the following attributes:


As in dendrogram.


As in dendrogram.


The number of nodes underneath the cluster.


The core distance at which the cluster or node was merged.


The probability that the leaf is a true member of its assigned cluster.


The leaf's GLOSH outlier score.


The node's determined stability, taking into account child-node stabilities. Missing for leaves.


Whether the node was selected as a cluster. Missing for leaves. Note that when a node is selected, all points under child branches are assigned to the same cluster.


The cluster number, for reference against the hdbscan object.


The hdbscan algorithm works by first building a hierarchy based on a minimal spanning tree, then consolidating nodes according to rules in the algorithm. The algorithm then selects some of the consolidated nodes as clusters, deselecting others. For example, if Node A has children B and C, the algorithm might select A, and then all points under A, B, and C would be assigned to the same cluster. Or, it might deselect A, and select B and C instead. In that case, the nodes under B would be assigned to one cluster, the nodes under C to a different cluster, and nodes under A but not B or C would not be assigned to any cluster. This function returns a dendrogram of the middle stage, the hierarchy of consolidated nodes. Whether a node was selected as as cluster is an attribute of each node.

This function remains experimental in terms of finding the best way to represent an hdbscan object in a dendrogram.


vis <- largeVis(t(iris[,1:4]), K = 20, sgd_batches = 1, threads = 1)
hdbscanobj <- hdbscan(vis, minPts = 10, K = 5)

elbamos/largeVis documentation built on May 16, 2019, 2:58 a.m.