Man pages for elias-jhsph/rsmartsheet
R SDK For Smartsheet

cell_historyGet the history of a cell
check_smartsheet_api_keyCheck Smartsheet API Key
colorize_sheetColorize Smartsheet
csv_to_sheetCreate New Smartsheet
csv_to_sheet_in_folderCreate New Smartsheet in Folder with Specific ID
delete_sheet_by_nameDelete an Existing Smartsheet in Folder with Specific ID
download_sheet_attachmentDownload a file of an existing attachment on a Smartsheet...
get_sheet_as_csvGet text CSV for an existing Smartsheet with a specific sheet...
get_sheet_column_infoGet Sheet Column Info
get_sheet_csv_attachmentGet text CSV for an existing attachment on a Smartsheet with...
get_smart_folder_idGet Smartsheet Folder ID
list_reportsGet a list of reports that the user is able to access
list_sheetsDownload a file of an existing attachment on a Smartsheet...
list_workspacesGet a list of workspaces that the user is able to access
replace_sheet_attachmentReplace an existing attachment file on a Smartsheet with a...
replace_sheet_with_csvReplace an existing Smartsheet with a new file
set_sheet_columns_to_textnumberSet Sheet Columns to Text Number Types
set_smartsheet_api_keySet the api key for acessing Smartsheet
set_smart_working_folderSet a working folder in Smartsheet with a folder ID
sheet_name_to_idGet Smartsheet Name From ID
use_direct_idsSet whether you can use direct sheet id
elias-jhsph/rsmartsheet documentation built on April 27, 2024, 3:14 p.m.