Man pages for eliasmacielr/msu
Multivariate Symmetric Uncertainty and Other Measurements

categorical_sample_sizeEstimate the sample size for a variable in function of its...
information_gainEstimating information gain between two categorical...
joint_shannon_entropyEstimation of the Joint Shannon entropy for two categorical...
msuEstimating Multivariate Symmetrical Uncertainty.
multivar_joint_shannon_entropyEstimation of joint Shannon entropy for a set of categorical...
new_informative_variableCreate an informative uniform categorical random variable.
new_variableCreate a uniform categorical random variable.
new_xor_variablesCreate a set of categorical variables using the logical XOR...
rel_freqRelative frequency of values of a categorical variable.
sample_sizeEstimate the sample size for a categorical variable.
shannon_entropyEstimation of Shannon entropy for a categorical variable.
symmetrical_uncertaintyEstimating Symmetrical Uncertainty of two categorical...
total_correlationEstimation of total correlation for a set of categorical...
eliasmacielr/msu documentation built on May 21, 2019, 3:03 a.m.