Man pages for elijahedmondson/HZE
Mapping suscetibility loci in HZE irradiated HS/npt mice

get.effect.sizeEffect size and odds ratio for SNP profiles
get.effect.size.coxPHEffect size and odds ratio for SNP profiles
get.sig.thrGiven a set of maximum LOD scores, calculate the significance...
GRconvertConvert a Large list of data.frames into a GRangesList
GRSD.assocGenome wide association mapping for binary phenotypes.
GRSDassoc.permsPermutation analysis for HZE.
GRSDbinomAssociation mapping on autosomal chromosomes with binary...
GRSDbinom.fastAssociation mapping on autosomal chromosomes with binary...
GRSDbinom.permsfastAssociation mapping on autosomal chromosomes with binary...
GRSDbinom.regressGENOAssociation mapping on autosomal chromosomes with binary...
GRSDbinom.xchrAssociation mapping on the X chromosome with binary variable...
GRSDbinom.xchr.fastAssociation mapping on the X chromosome with binary variable...
GRSDbinom.xchr.permsfastAssociation mapping on the X chromosome with binary variable...
GRSDcoxphAssociation mapping with survival outcomes using the CoxPH...
GRSD.coxphGenome wide association mapping using CoxPH
GRSD.coxph4permsAssociation mapping with survival outcomes using the CoxPH...
GRSDcoxph.permsPermutation analysis for CoxPH model in HZE.
GRSDcoxph.xchrAssociation mapping with survival outcomes using the CoxPH...
GRSDcoxph.xchr4permsAssociation mapping with survival outcomes using the CoxPH...
GRSDpoissonAssociation mapping on autosomal chromosomes with binary...
GRSD.poissonGenome wide association mapping with glm(family = poisson).
GRSDpoisson.xchrAssociation mapping on the X chromosome with poisson dist.
HS.assoc.bootstrapQTL Confidence Interval with Resample Model Averaging For...
HS.cox.bootstrapQTL Confidence Interval with Resample Model Averaging for Cox...
loop.hs.qtlLoop through to create a smaller file for heatmap input
manhattan_plotAllow for multiple, superimposed QTL plotting in mice....
maxLODHelper Function for QTL Support Intervals.
multiplotAllows for multiple plots (generated by ggplot2)
plot.hsPlot function (w/ binning to average markers and max LOD)
plot.hs.color.qtlGenome wide association plots with separate colors param...
plot.hs.qtlConvert function to average fixed regions and return LOD for...
Scanone.assoc.permsPermutation analysis for continuous traits in HZE ion exposed...
elijahedmondson/HZE documentation built on May 16, 2019, 3 a.m.