
Defines functions sesPhyloField

Documented in sesPhyloField

#' Calculate a species' standardized trait field
#' Calculate the null-model standardized effect size of a species' trait field.
#' @param tree Phylo object.
#' @param picante.cdm A picante-style community data matrix with sites as rows, and
#' species as columns.
#' @param metric Phylogenetic metric of choice (see details).
#' @param null Null model of choice (see details).
#' @param randomizations The number of times the input CDM should be randomized and the
#' metrics calculated across it.
#' @param distances.among A symmetric distance matrix, summarizing the distances among all
#' plots from the cdm. For use with the dispersal null.
#' @param abundance.matters Default is TRUE. If FALSE, species are sampled from
#' neighboring grid cells with equal probability. For use with the dispersal null.
#' @param abundance.assigned For use with the dispersal null. See details there. 
#' @param cores This function can run in parallel. In order to do so, the user must
#' specify the desired number of cores to utilize. The default is "seq", which runs the
#' calculations sequentially.
#' @details This function is being deprecated. This and the rest of the first generation
#' of field functions are being replaced by a two-step process akin to the calcMetrics
#' set of functions. The user first preps the data with a prep function, then runs the
#' desired metrics and nulls over the prepped object. This allows sets of metrics to be
#' calculated over the same randomized matrix, rather than having to repeatedly generate
#' the same random matrix for each metric.
#' The trait distance matrix should be symmetrical and "complete". See example.
#' Currently only non-abundance-weighted mean pairwise and interspecific
#' abundance-weighted mean pairwise phylogenetic distances are implemented. The
#' only null models that are currently implemented are the richness and dispersal nulls.
#' The function could be improved by tapping into any of the metrics and nulls defined
#' in defineMetrics and defineNulls.
#' @return Data frame of standardized effect sizes of species' phylogenetic fields. Table
#' includes the observed phylogenetic field, the mean and standard deviation of the
#' species' trait field after randomization with the chosen null model, and the resulting
#' species-specific standardized effect size.
#' @export
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @references Miller, Wagner, Harmon & Ricklefs. In review. Radiating despite a lack of
#' character: closely related, morphologically similar, co-occurring honeyeaters have
#' diverged ecologically.
#' @examples
#' #simulate tree with birth-death process
#' tree <- geiger::sim.bdtree(b=0.1, d=0, stop="taxa", n=50)
#' #simulate log-normal abundances
#' sim.abundances <- round(rlnorm(5000, meanlog=2, sdlog=1)) + 1
#' #simulate a community data matrix with these inputs
#' cdm <- simulateComm(tree, richness.vector=10:25, abundances=sim.abundances)
#' #example trait field calculations
#' exampleField <- sesPhyloField(tree=tree, picante.cdm=cdm, 
#' 	metric="naw.mpd", null="richness", randomizations=10)

sesPhyloField <- function(tree, picante.cdm, metric, null, randomizations,
	distances.among=NULL, abundance.matters=TRUE, abundance.assigned="directly",
	#use the .deprecate function from geiger, in your utils.R file to warn this function
	#will be deprecated soon
	.deprecate("sesPhyloField", "sesField")

	#calculate the observed phylo field
	observed <- phyloField(tree, picante.cdm, metric)
	#previously set up a temporary matrix to save results into, where each column was a 
	#species and each row is a different randomization. still imitate that behavior below
	#with the foreach parallel loop, but matrix makes itself instead with the rbind
	#combine behavior of foreach. 

	#randomize the CDM with the null model, recalculate species' phyloFields, then
	#save into the relevant row of the tempMatrix
	if(null == "dispersal")
		#if cores is set to sequential, don't run in parallel
		if(cores == "seq")
			#warn that the analysis is being run sequentially
			warning("Not running analysis in parallel. See 'cores' argument.",call.=FALSE)
			tempMatrix <-
			foreach(i=1:randomizations, .combine='rbind') %do%
				tempCDM <- dispersalNull(picante.cdm=picante.cdm, tree=tree,
					distances.among=distances.among, abundance.matters=abundance.matters,
				phyloField(tree, tempCDM, metric)

		if(cores != "seq")
			#register parallel backend
			tempMatrix <-
			foreach(i=1:randomizations, .combine='rbind') %dopar%
				tempCDM <- dispersalNull(picante.cdm=picante.cdm, tree=tree,
					distances.among=distances.among, abundance.matters=abundance.matters,
				phyloField(tree, tempCDM, metric)
			#properly unregister parallel backend
	else if(null == "richness")
		if(cores == "seq")
			#warn that the analysis is being run sequentially
			warning("Not running analysis in parallel. See 'cores' argument.",call.=FALSE)

			tempMatrix <-
			foreach(i=1:randomizations, .combine='rbind') %do%
				tempCDM <- picante::randomizeMatrix(samp=picante.cdm, null.model="richness")
				phyloField(tree, tempCDM, metric)

		if(cores != "seq")
			#register parallel backend
			tempMatrix <-
			foreach(i=1:randomizations, .combine='rbind') %dopar%
				tempCDM <- picante::randomizeMatrix(samp=picante.cdm, null.model="richness")
				phyloField(tree, tempCDM, metric)
			#properly unregister parallel backend
		stop("null must currently be set to 'dispersal' or 'richness'")

	#find the mean and standard deviation of each column (species)
	metric.mean <- apply(tempMatrix, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
	metric.sd <- apply(tempMatrix, 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
	#bind these to the observed values, calculate SES values and return a data frame
	results <- data.frame(observed, metric.mean, metric.sd)
	results$SES <- (results$observed-results$metric.mean)/results$metric.sd

eliotmiller/metricTester documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 12:39 p.m.