is_dist_units: General utility functions for working with distance units...

View source: R/is_dist_units.R

is_dist_unitsR Documentation

General utility functions for working with distance units objects


  • is_dist_units: Is x a distance unit object?

  • is_diff_dist: What is the difference between x and y distance?

  • is_same_dist: Is x the same distance as y? or does the bbox of x and bbox of y have the same x, y, or diagonal distance?

  • is_shorter, is_longer: Is x shorter or longer than y?

  • is_same_area: do x and y have the same area?



is_diff_dist(x, y, units = NULL)

is_same_dist(x, y, dist = NULL, diff = FALSE, ...)

is_longer(x, y)

is_shorter(x, y)

get_dist_units(x, null.ok = TRUE)

as_dist_units(x, units = NULL, null.ok = FALSE)

is_diff_area(x, y, units = NULL, union = TRUE)

is_same_area(x, y, units = NULL, union = TRUE, diff = FALSE, ...)


x, y

objects to check


For is_diff_dist, if x and y are both not units objects, use units; default to NULL.


type of distance to compare if x and y are sf, sfc, or bbox objects; "diagdist", "xdist", "ydist". defaults to NULL.


If TRUE, return results from is_diff_dist or is_diff_area; if FALSE, return logical indicator; defaults to FALSE


Additional parameters passed to all.equal


If null.ok is TRUE, allow x to return a NULL value; if FALSE, error on NULL values.


If TRUE, union objects before comparing area with is_diff_area() or is_same_area(), defaults to TRUE.


There are two additional functions that support these utility functions:

  • get_dist_units: Get the distance units from x (if x is a sf or units objects or a character string from dist_unit_options)

  • as_dist_units: Convert x to units using units::as_units

See Also

Other dist: convert_dist_scale(), convert_dist_units(), get_measurements, sf_bbox_misc

elipousson/overedge documentation built on Aug. 13, 2022, 7:41 p.m.