KMunicate: Create KMunicate-Style Kaplan–Meier Plots

View source: R/KMunicate.R

KMunicateR Documentation

Create KMunicate-Style Kaplan–Meier Plots


Produce Kaplan–Meier plots in the style recommended following the KMunicate study by TP Morris et al. (\Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030215")}).


  .risk_table = "KMunicate",
  .reverse = FALSE,
  .theme = NULL,
  .color_scale = NULL,
  .fill_scale = NULL,
  .linetype_scale = NULL,
  .annotate = NULL,
  .xlab = "Time",
  .ylab = ifelse(.reverse, "Estimated (1 - survival)", "Estimated survival"),
  .title = NULL,
  .alpha = 0.25,
  .rel_heights = NULL,
  .ff = NULL,
  .risk_table_base_size = 11,
  .size = NULL,
  .legend_position = c(1, 1)



A survfit object.


The time scale that will be used for the x-axis and for the summary tables.


This arguments define the type of risk table that is produced.


If reverse = TRUE, then the plot uses 1 - survival probability on the y-axis. Defaults to KMunicate, where the cumulative number of events and censored are calculated. Another possibility is survfit, which will use the default numbers returned by summary.survfit (e.g. number of events and censored per interval). .risk_table can also be NULL, in which case the risk table will be omitted from the plot.


ggplot theme used by the plot. Defaults to NULL, where the default ggplot theme will be used.


Colour scale used for the plot. Has to be a ⁠scale_colour_*⁠ component, and defaults to NULL where the default colour scale will be used.


Fill scale used for the plot. Has to be a ⁠scale_fill_*⁠ component, and defaults to NULL where the default fill scale will be used.


Linetype scale used for the plot. Has to be a ⁠scale_linetype_*⁠ component, and defaults to NULL where the default linetype scale will be used.


Optional annotation to be added to the plot, e.g. using ggplot2::annotate(). Defaults to NULL, where no extra annotation is added.


Label for the horizontal axis, defaults to Time.


Label for the vertical axis, defaults to Estimated survival if .reverse = FALSE, to Estimated (1 - survival) otherwise.


A title to be added on top of the plot. Defaults to NULL, where no title will be included.


Transparency of the point-wise confidence intervals


Override default relative heights of plots and tables. Must be a numeric vector of length equal 1 + 1 per each arm in the Kaplan-Meier plot. See cowplot::plot_grid() for more details on how to use this argument.


A string used to define a base font for the plot.


Base font size for the risk table, given in pts. Defaults to 11.


Thickness of each Kaplan-Meier curve. Defaults to NULL, where ggplot2's default will be used.


Position of the legend in the plot. Defaults to c(1, 1), which corresponds to top-right of the plot. It is also possible to pass a string, as in ggplot2, e.g. "none" to suppress the legend. N.B.: Legend justification is modified accordingly. See ggplot2::theme() for more details on how to place the legend of the plot.


A KMunicate-style ggplot object.


data("cancer2", package = "KMunicate")
KM <- survfit(Surv(studytime, died) ~ drug, data = cancer2)
time_scale <- seq(0, max(cancer2$studytime), by = 7)
KMunicate(fit = KM, time_scale = time_scale)

ellessenne/KMunicate-package documentation built on May 19, 2024, 6:03 a.m.