Man pages for ellisvalentiner/lubridateExtras
Convenience Functions for Manipulating Datetimes

ceiling_decadeThe end (ceiling) of a decade
days_agoThe date x days ago
days_henceThe date x days hence
decades_agoThe date x decades ago
decades_henceThe date x decades hence
floor_decadeThe beginning (floor) of the decade
hmsExtract time-of-day values
hours_agothe time x hours ago
hours_hencethe time x hours hence
is_weekdayIs x a weekday?
is_weekendIs x a weekend?
last_monthThe previous month
last_weekThe previous week
minutes_agoThe time x minutes before now
minutes_henceThe time x minutes before now
months_agoThe date x months ago
months_henceThe date x months hence
next_monthThe next month
next_weekThe next week
round_hmsRound, floor and ceiling methods for hms objects
seconds_agoThe time x seconds before now
seconds_henceThe time x seconds before now
this_monthThe current month
this_weekThe current week
tomorrowThe next day
weeks_agoThe date x weeks ago
weeks_henceThe date x weeks hence
years_agoThe date x years ago
years_henceThe date x years hence
yesterdayThe previous day
ellisvalentiner/lubridateExtras documentation built on March 31, 2022, 8:52 a.m.