MOGAMUN is a Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm to find active modules (i.e., highly connected subnetworks with an overall deregulation) in MUltiplex biological Networks. For a detailed description of MOGAMUN check out our paper All the expression datasets and networks that we used to obtain the results reported in our paper are available in the GitHub repository


The workflow of MOGAMUN is composed of 3 main steps: initialization of parameters, providing input data and running the algorithm.

Initialization of parameters

We set here the values for the evolution parameters and other general parameters, such as the minimum and maximum sizes of the subnetworks, via mogamun_init. Please note that we strongly recommend to run the algorithm with the default values. The only exception is for MinSize and MaxSize, which you can adapt to get bigger or smaller subnetworks, knowing that MOGAMUN tends to give as result subnetworks of sizes near or equal to MinSize. In total, there are 11 customizable parameters:

If MOGAMUN is to be run with the default values, execute EvolutionParameters <- mogamun_init(). Otherwise, specify the parameters to change, separated by commas. Please be aware than although we recommend to let the evolution run for 500 generations, this process can be long. For instance, using a multiplex networks with the three layers that we provide in and the default values for all the parameters, the process took approximately 12 hours in a desktop computer with Intel processor i7 at 3.60GHz and 32GB of RAM.

```{r init, echo = TRUE, message = FALSE} parameters <- mogamun_init(Generations = 1, PopSize = 10)

### Providing input data
MOGAMUN uses two sources of information: one or more biological networks, and 
the statistical values resulting from a differential expression analysis or any 
other test that gives as result *p*-values or False Discovery Rates (FDR) 
associated to genes. The second step of the workflow is to provide the input 
data using the `mogamun_load_data` function, which has 5 parameters:

* `EvolutionParameters` is the list returned by `mogamun_init`.
* `DifferentialExpressionPath` is a string with the full path to the 
**comma separated** file containing the results of the differential expression 
analysis. Please note that such file must be composed of at least two columns: 
"gene" and `Measure`. The column "gene" must contain **gene names** and the 
column `Measure` must be called either "FDR" or "PValue" (depending on which of 
the two was seleced in `mogamun_init`) and it should contain the results of the 
statistical test. We strongly recommend to have a third column ("logFC") with 
the $log_2(fold\_change)$, i.e. the ratio of difference of the expression 
between the two groups under study (e.g. patients vs control). There is a 
sample file in *MOGAMUN/extdata/DE/Sample_DE.csv*.
* `NodesScoresPath` is a string with the full path to the **comma separated** 
file containing the nodes scores for every node in the network. Please note 
that if this file does not exist, MOGAMUN will create it. 
* `NetworkLayersDir` is a string with the path to the directory (i.e. folder) 
that contains the networks that will compose the multiplex network. Please note 
that each biological network must be in a separate file with 2-column 
**tab separated** format. The name of each file must start with a different 
character, which will be used in the `Layers` parameter. There are two example 
files in *MOGAMUN/extdata/LayersMultiplex*. Please note that these files do not
contain full networks and they are only provided to test the algorithm.
* `Layers` is a string composed of a chain of characters that determine which 
files from the `NetworkLayersDir` are to be used to build the multiplex network 
(e.g. "123" to use the networks which names start with "1", "2", and "3").

```{r load, echo = TRUE}
dePath <- system.file("extdata/DE/Sample_DE.csv", package = "MOGAMUN")
scoresPath <-
    system.file("extdata/DE/Sample_NodesScore.csv", package = "MOGAMUN")
layersPath <-
    paste0(system.file("extdata/LayersMultiplex", package = "MOGAMUN"), "/")

loadedData <-
        EvolutionParameters = parameters,
        DifferentialExpressionPath = dePath,
        NodesScoresPath = scoresPath,
        NetworkLayersDir = layersPath,
        Layers = "23"

Running the algorithm

Once we have defined all the parameters and provided the input data, we are ready to run MOGAMUN using the mogamun_run function, which has 4 parameters:

```{r run, echo = TRUE} mogamun_run(LoadedData = loadedData, ResultsDir = '.')

In the results directory (`ResultsDir`) you will find a subfolder which name 
contains the date when you executed the experiment. Inside, there will be two 
files per run (**MOGAMUN_Results_StatisticsPerGeneration_RunN.csv** and 
**MOGAMUN_Results__Run_N.txt**). The file 
**MOGAMUN_Results_StatisticsPerGeneration_RunN.csv** contains the best values 
for the two objectives (average nodes score and density) per generation, which 
you can use to check the convergence, for instance. The file 
**MOGAMUN_Results__Run_N.txt** contains the complete final population of size 
`PopSize` (i.e. all the subnetworks from the last generation), one per row. 
The number of elements in every row is variable because the size of each 
subnetwork can vary between `MinSize` and 
`MaxSize`. If **X_n** is the number of elements in the 
**n**-th row: the nodes of the subnetwork are the first **X_n**-4 elements. 
The last four elements correspond to the average nodes score, density, rank, 
and crowding distance, respectively. The best (non-dominated) subnetworks have 
are those with rank = 1. 

## Postprocessing of the results
In our paper (,
we ran MOGAMUN 30 times for each experiment. This increases the chances to find 
the global maxima. Given that the result of every run is the set of subnetworks 
with rank = 1, if you execute MOGAMUN multiple times the final result is the 
union of the results of all the individual runs. But considering that in such 
set there might be subnetworks that are better than others (according to the 
Pareto dominance), to obtain the final result we calculate the accumulated 
Pareto front. To this goal, we re-rank the set composed by the union of all the 
results, and leave only those subnetworks with rank = 1. In addition, we
propose to merge the subnetworks that are very similar, in order to avoid 
having two different networks if they only differ for one node, for instance 
(see `JaccardSimilarityThreshold`).

Depending on the number of runs you execute, there are other plots that might 
be generated during the postprocessing, such as scatter plots (always) and 
boxplots (only if `NumberOfRunsToExecute` in `mogamun_run` > 1).

Finally, it is possible to visualize the subnetworks from the accumulated 
Pareto front in Cytoscape. Please note that the network you used to build the 
multiplex will be filtered to leave only those interactions among the genes 
that are included in the result. The nodes will be colored according to their 
*logFC* value, where green stands for downregulated, red means upregulated, and 
white means no deregulation. Nodes corresponding to significantly 
differentially expressed genes will have black border, and the color of the 
edges will be different for each layer of the multiplex network. To check the 
layer an edge corresponds to, click on the edge and check the value of the 
`TypeOfInteraction`, in the edge table. 

The postprocessing is done with the function `mogamun_postprocess`, which has 
4 parameters:  

* `ExperimentDir` is a string with the full path to the directory where the 
results are stored. It must coincide with the `ResultsDir` folder from 
* `LoadedData` is the list returned by `mogamun_load_data`.
* `JaccardSimilarityThreshold` is an integer that determines the minimum 
Jaccard similarity coefficient that a pair of subnetworks must have to be 
merged in a single subnetwork (default = 70).
* `VisualizeInCytoscape` is a boolean value (TRUE/FALSE) that determines 
whether the accumulated Pareto front is to be displayed in Cytoscape or not. 
NOTE. When `VisualizeInCytoscape` is TRUE, Cytoscape needs to be up and running 
in the computer (default = TRUE). 

Please note that you can make use of `mogamun_postprocess` with any number of 
runs. If the experiment to be postprocessed contains a single run, the result 
will be the set of subnetworks in the first Pareto front. Otherwise, the result 
will be the accumulated Pareto front, as we already explained. 

```{r end, echo = TRUE}
    LoadedData = loadedData, 
    ExperimentDir = '.', 
    VisualizeInCytoscape = FALSE

elvanov/MOGAMUN documentation built on Oct. 26, 2021, 3:14 p.m.