authors_refine: Refines the authors code output from authors_clean()

View source: R/authors_refine.R

authors_refineR Documentation

Refines the authors code output from authors_clean()


authors_refine This function takes the author list output after the output has been synthesized for incorrect author matches. It contains a similarity score cutoff like read_authors. This however is to further constrain the list. New values ARE NOT created, instead it filters by the sim_score column in the output file.


authors_refine(review, prelim, sim_score = NULL, confidence = NULL)



the review element from list output by authors_clean


the prelim element from list output by authors_clean


similarity score cut off point. Number from 0-1.


confidence score cut off point. Number from 0 - 10.


## First gather the authors data.frame from authors_clean
BITR_authors <- authors_clean(BITR)
BITR_review_df <- BITR_authors$review 
BITR_prelim_df <- BITR_authors$prelim

## If accepting the preliminary disambiguation 
## from authors_clean() without review:
refine_df <- authors_refine(BITR_review_df, BITR_prelim_df,
    sim_score = 0.90, confidence = 5)

## Note that 'sim_score' and 'confidence' are optional arguments and are
## only required if changing the default values. 
refine_df <- authors_refine(BITR_review_df, BITR_prelim_df)

## If changes were made to groupID or authorID in the "_review.csv" file: 
## then incorporate those changes in a text editor, save the corrections as
## a new file name, load in to R and run `authors_refine()` with the 
## new corrections as the review arguement.

embruna/refnet documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 8:32 p.m.