#' Data from the journal Biotropica (pulled from Web of Knowledge)
#' A dataset containing 10 articles taken from the journal Biotropica. 
#' This dataset represents the typical formatted output from \code{references_read()}
#' in the refsplitr package. It serves as a testbed for commonly miscategorized names
#' @format A data frame with 10 rows and 32 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{filename}{the original filename the text was created from}
#'   \item{refID}{the unique identifier given to each reference article by references_read()}
#'   \item{AB}{Abstract}
#'   \item{AF}{Full Names}
#'   \item{AU}{Abbreviated names}
#'   \item{C1}{Addresses}
#'   \item{EM}{emails}
#'   \item{RI}{Web of Science ID}
#'   \item{OI}{OrcID}
#'   \item{RP}{Reprint Address}
#'   \item{TI}{Title}
#'   \item{UT}{Web of Knowledge Unique ID}
#'   \item{BP}{See url below}
#'   \item{CR}{See url below}
#'   \item{DE}{See url below}
#'   \item{DI}{See url below}
#'   \item{EP}{See url below}
#'   \item{FN}{See url below}
#'   \item{FU}{See url below}
#'   \item{PD}{See url below}
#'   \item{PG}{See url below}
#'   \item{PT}{See url below}
#'   \item{PU}{See url below}
#'   \item{PY}{See url below}
#'   \item{PM}{See url below}
#'   \item{SC}{See url below}
#'   \item{SN}{See url below}
#'   \item{SO}{See url below}
#'   \item{TC}{See url below}
#'   \item{VL}{See url below}
#'   \item{WC}{See url below}
#'   \item{Z9}{See url below}
#' The remaining codes are described on the Web of Knowledge website:
embruna/refsplitr documentation built on Aug. 16, 2024, 2:38 a.m.