
# install.packages("latex2exp")


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=6, fig.height=4) 

# get some images that are used in this document



Part 1: Running a randomization test for a single proportion in R


Part 1.1: Is it possible to smell whether someone has Parkinson's disease?

Joy Milne claimed to have the ability to smell whether someone had Parkinson’s disease.

To test this claim, researchers gave Joy 6 shirts that had been worn by people who had Parkinson’s disease and 6 people who did not.

Joy identified 11 out of the 12 shirts correctly.

Let's run a hypothesis test to assess whether there is significant evidence to suggest that Joy can really could smell whether someone has Parkinson's disease.


Step 1: State the null and alternative hypotheses in symbols and words, and set up the rules of the game

In words:

Using symbols

$H_0: \pi = 0.5$ $H_A: \pi > 0.5$

Rules of the game

If there is a less than 5% probability we would get a random statistic as or more extreme than the observed statistic if $H_0$ was true, then we will reject $H_0$ and say that $H_A$ is likely to be true.

$\alpha = 0.05$


Step 2: Calculate the observed statistic

(obs_stat <- 11/12)


Step 3: Create the null distribution

flip_sims <- rbinom(10000, 12, .5)

flip_sims_prop <- flip_sims/12

        xlab = "Number of heads (i.e., correct guesses)", 
        ylab = "Number of simulations",
        main = "10,000 simulations of 12 coin flips")

hist(flip_sims_prop, breaks = 100)



Step 4: Calculate a p-value

(p_value <- sum(flip_sims_prop >= obs_stat)/length(flip_sims))


Step 5: Make a decision

Since r p_value is less than $\alpha = 0.05$ we can reject the null hypothesis (and perhaps say the results are "statistically significant").



  1. Do you believe Joy can really smell Parkinson's disease?

  2. Is it better to report the actual p-value or just whether we rejected the null hypothesis $H_0$?


Part 2: Permutation tests for comparing two means in R

Let's us examine the randomized controlled trial experiment by Solomon et al (2002) to see if there is evidence that taking a gingko pills improves memory. To read the original paper see: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/195207

Step 1: State the null and alternative hypotheses

$H_0: \mu_{gingko} - \mu_{control} = 0$ $H_A: \mu_{gingko} - \mu_{control} \ne 0$

$\alpha = 0.05$


Step 2a: Plot the data


# plot the data
boxplot(gingko, placebo, 
        names = c("Gingko", "Placebo"),
        ylab = "Memory score")

# create a stripchart
data_list <- list(gingko, placebo) 

           group.names = c("Gingko", "Placebo"), 
           method = "jitter",
           xlab = "Memory score", 
           col = c("red", "blue"))


Step 2b: Calculate the observed statistic

(obs_stat <- mean(gingko) - mean(placebo))


Step 3: Create the null distribution

# combine the data from the treatment and placebo groups together
combined_data <- c(gingko, placebo)
n_gingko <- length(gingko)
total <- length(combined_data)

# use a for loop to create shuffled treatment and placebo groups and shuffled statistics 
null_distribution <-  NULL
for (i in 1:10000) {

       # shuffle data
        shuff_data <- sample(combined_data)

        # create fake treatment and control groups
        shuff_gingko   <-  shuff_data[1:n_gingko]
        shuff_placebo  <-  shuff_data[(n_gingko + 1):total]

        # save the statistic of interest
        null_distribution[i] <- mean(shuff_gingko) - mean(shuff_placebo)


# plot the null distribution as a histogram
     breaks = 20,
     main = "Null distribution", 
     xlab = TeX("$\\bar{x}_{shuff-gingko} - \\bar{x}_{shuff-placebo}$"))


Step 4: Calculate a p-value

# plot the null distribution again with a red line a the value of the observed statistic
     breaks = 20,
     main = "Null distribution", 
     xlab = TeX("$\\bar{x}_{shuff-gingko} - \\bar{x}_{shuff-placebo}$"))

abline(v = obs_stat, col = "red")

# calculate the p-value
(p_value_left_tail <- sum(null_distribution <= obs_stat)/10000)
(p_value_right_tail <- sum(null_distribution >= abs(obs_stat))/10000)

(p_value <- p_value_left_tail + p_value_right_tail)


Step 5: Make a decision

Since r p_value is greater than $\alpha = 0.05$ we can not reject the null hypothesis. Thus if we are using the Neyman-Pearson paradigm, we do not have sufficient evidence to say that the pill is effective.


emeyers/SDS230 documentation built on Jan. 18, 2024, 1:01 a.m.