



# install.packages("latex2exp")



knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)





Part 1: A few additional topics on the ANOVA

Let's briefly discuss a few last topics on the analysis of variance.

Part 1.1: Examening unbalanced data

In an unbalanced data, there are different numbers of measured responses at the different variable levels. When running an ANOVA on unbalanced data, one needs to be careful because there are different ways to calculate the sum of squares for the different factors, and this can lead to different results about which factors are statistically significant. Let's examine this using the IPED faculty salary data.


# Factor A: lecturer, assistant, associate, full professor
# Factor B: liberal arts vs research university 

IPED_3 <- IPED_salaries |>
  filter(rank_name %in% c("Lecturer", "Assistant", "Associate", "Full")) |>
  mutate(rank_name  = droplevels(rank_name)) |>
  filter(CARNEGIE %in% c(15, 31)) |>
 # na.omit() |>
  mutate(Inst_type = dplyr::recode(CARNEGIE, "31" = "Liberal arts", "15" = "Research extensive"))

# examine properties of the data 
table(IPED_3$Inst_type, IPED_3$rank_name)


Part 1.2: Examening unbalanced data - Type I sum of squares

In type I sum of squares, the sum of squares are calculated sequentially, where first SSA is taken into account, and then SSB is consider. In particular:

# Create a main effects and interaction model
fit_profs1 <- lm(salary_tot ~ Inst_type * rank_name, data = IPED_3)
fit_profs2 <- lm(salary_tot ~ rank_name * Inst_type, data = IPED_3)



Part 1.3: Examening unbalanced data - Type III sum of squares

In type III sum of squares, the sum of squares the full model is fit SS(A, B, AB) and then the sum of squares for each factor is determined by taking the full model SS(A, B, AB) and subtracting out the fit when a given factor is missing.

# type III sum of squares the order that variables are added does not matter
car::Anova(fit_profs1, type = "III")
car::Anova(fit_profs2, type = "III")


Part 1.4: Repeated measures ANOVA

In a repeated measures ANOVA, the same case/observational units are measured at each factor level. For example, we might want to understand if people prefer chocolate, butterscotch or caramel sauce on their ice cream. Rather than doing a "between subjects" experiment, where we would have different people taste ice cream with chocolate, butterscotch or caramel sauce, instead we can use a "within subjects" design where the each person in the experiment tastes and gives ratings for all three toppings.

To run a repeated measures ANOVA, one gives each observational unit a unique ID, and then one treats this ID as another factor in the analysis; i.e., one runs a factorial analysis where one of the factors is the observational unit ID.

An advantage of repeated measures ANOVA is similar to the advantage to running a paired samples t-test, namely it can reduce a lot of the between observational unit variability making it easier to see effects that are present. In fact, running a repeated measures ANOVA with a factor that only has two levels is equivalent to running a paired samples t-test. Let's explore this using the example of Freshman gaining weight from homework 4.

# load the data
freshman <- read.table("freshman-15.txt", header = TRUE) |>
  mutate(Subject = as.factor(Subject))

# run a paired t-test testing H0: mu_diff = 0 vs. HA: mu_diff > 0, 
#   where mu_diff = mu_end_i - mu_start_i 

t.test(freshman$Terminal.Weight, freshman$Initial.Weight, paired = TRUE)

# let's transform to put it in a long format
freshman_long <- tidyr::pivot_longer(freshman, 
                                     cols = c("Initial.Weight", "Terminal.Weight"),
                                     names_to = "time_period", 
                                     values_to = "weight")

# let's run run a repeated measures ANOVA 
# we have the same p-value, and F = t^2
summary(aov(weight ~ time_period + Subject, data = freshman_long))

If you want more practice running a repeated measures ANOVA, you can analyze the popout attention data from homework 10, where you treat the participants in the study as a factor in the analysis.


Part 2: String manipulation using stringr

The package stringr allows you to manipulate character strings. Many of the functions in the stringr package are available in base R but the naming conventions and arguments in stringr are more consistent which makes them easier to use.

All stringr functions:


Part 2.1: Base R and stringr

Let's start by putting a string in lower case using both base R and stringr.


# base R

# stringr
str_to_lower("STOP YELLING")


Part 2.2: Trimming and padding a string

We can trim and pad strings using str_trim() and str_pad()

# trim a string 
str_trim("    What a mess      ")

# pad a string
str_pad("Let's make it messier", 50, "right")
str_pad(1:11, 3, pad = 0)   # useful for adding leading 0’s


Part 2.3: Concatenating strings

We can concatenate strings using str_c.

The base R function paste() and paste0() are also useful for this.

str_c("What", "a", "mess", sep = " ")

vec_words <- c("What", "a", "mess")
str_c(vec_words, collapse = " ")


Part 2.4: Detecting a substring

We can detect whether a substring exists in a longer string using str_detect()


# How many bands come from the USA?
# On homework 1 ignored bands that came from the USA and another country

metal_counts <- table(metal$origin)
sort(metal_counts, decreasing = TRUE)[1]

# Let's find all the bands that have some origin in the USA

sum(str_detect(metal$origin, "USA"))


Part 2.5: Replacing a piece of a string

We can replace the first occurrence of a string using str_replace("String", "old", "new")

We can replace all occurrences of a string using str_replace_all()

# replace an occurrence of a substring
#str_replace("String", "old", "new")

str_replace_all("One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish", "fish", "cat")

# Example: let's download an article from the internet

#base_name <-  "https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/why-biden-touts-jobs-when-americans-care-about-prices-37dc7013?mod=Searchresults_pos14&page=1"

base_name <- "https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/27/climate/biden-cop28-climate-dubai.html?searchResultPosition=3"

article_name <- "politics.html"
download.file(base_name, article_name)

# viewer <- getOption("viewer")
# viewer(article_name)

# read the whole article as a single string
the_article <- readChar(article_name, file.info(article_name)$size)

# replace all occurrences of a string
article2  <- str_replace_all(the_article,  "Biden", "Sleepy Joe")

write(article2, "sleepy_article.html")



Part 2.6: Regular expressions

We can use regular expressions to do a lot more complex string matching!

This topic is a bit beyond the scope of the class, but if you need to do more complex string manipulation for your final project I recommend you look more into this topic using Google to find tutorials, chatGPT to help with the code, and/or talk to me or the TAs to get additional help.

As one example of using regular, let's examine how we can match string that start or end with particular letters. In particular we can:

fruits <- c("apple", "pineapple", "Pear", "orange",  "peach", "banana")

# detect all fruits that end with e
str_detect(fruits, "e$")

# detect all fruits that start with lower or upper case P
str_detect(fruits, "^[Pp]")


Part 3: tidyr for pivoting data

We can use the tidyr package to pivot data between "long" and "wide" formats.

Having data in different formats can be useful to calculating particular statistics and for visualizing data using ggplot.


Part 3.1: tidyr for pivoting data longer

Let's see if we can compare men and women salary on the same plot using ggplot by first pivoting our longer.


# get salaries for men and women
men_women <- IPED_salaries |>
  filter(rank_name == "Full") |>
  select(school, endowment, salary_men, salary_women) |>

# how can plot men and women salaries on the same plot using ggplot? 

# let's pivot the data longer
men_women_long <- men_women |>
  pivot_longer(c("salary_men", "salary_women"),
               names_to = "gender",
               values_to = "salary")

# visualize as a boxplot
men_women_long |>
  ggplot(aes(gender, salary)) + 

# visualize as a density plot
men_women_long |>
  ggplot(aes(salary, col = gender)) + 

Does it appear that men and women are being paid differently?


Part 3.2: tidyr for pivoting data wider

Let's pivot back wider to see if we can come up with more informative plots using ggplot.

# create the data longer again and mutate on salary difference
men_women_wider <- men_women_long |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = "gender", values_from = "salary") |>
  mutate(salary_diff = salary_men - salary_women)

# visualize as a boxplot
men_women_wider |>
  ggplot(aes(salary_diff)) + 

# visualize as a density
men_women_wider |>
  ggplot(aes(salary_diff)) + 

Does it appear that men and women are being paid differently?


Part 4: Joining data frames

Often data of interest is spread across multiple data frames that need to be joined together into a single data frame for further analyses. We will explore how to do this using dplyr.

Let's look at a very simple data set to explore joining data frames.





Part 4.1: Left join

Left joins keep all rows in the left table.

Data from right table added when there is the key matches, otherwise NA as added.

Try to do a left join of the data frames x and y using their keys.

left_join(x, y, by = c("key_x" = "key_y"))


Part 4.2: Right join

Right joins keep all rows in the right table.

Data from left table added when there is the key matches, otherwise NA as added.

Try to do a right join of the data frames x and y using their keys.

right_join(x, y, by = c("key_x" = "key_y"))


Part 4.3: Inner join

Inner joins only keep rows in which there are matches between the keys in both tables

Try to do an inner join of the data frames x and y using their keys.

inner_join(x, y, by = c("key_x" = "key_y"))


Part 4.4: Full join

Full joins keep all rows in both table.

NAs are added where there are no matches.

full_join(x, y, by = c("key_x" = "key_y"))


Part 4.5a: Duplicate keys

Duplicate keys are useful if there is a one-to-many relationship (duplicates are usually in the left table).

Let's look at two other tables that have duplicate keys




Part 4.5b: Duplicate keys

If both tables have duplicate keys you get all possible combinations (Cartesian product). This is almost always an error! Always check the output dimension after you join a table because even if there is not a syntax error you might not get the table you are expecting!

Try doing a left join on the data frames x2 and y2 using only their first keys (i.e., key1_x and key1_y). Save the joined data frame to an object called x2_joined. Note that x2_joined has more rows than the original x2 data frame despite the fact that you did a left join! This is due to duplicate keys in both x2 and y2.

Usually a mistake was made when a data frame ends up having more rows after a left join. It is good to check how many rows a data frame has before and after a join to catch any possible errors.

# initial left data frame only has 3 rows

# left join when both the left and right tables have duplicate keys
(x2_joined <- left_join(x2, y2, by = c("key1_x" = "key1_y")))

# output now has more rows than the initial table


Part 4.5c: Duplicate keys

To deal with duplicate keys in both tables, we can join the tables using multiple keys in order to make sure that each row is uniquely specified.

Try doing a left join on the data frames x2 and y2 using both the keys. Save the joined data frame to an object called x2_joined_mult_keys. Note that x2_joined_mult_keys has the same number of rows as the original x2 data frame which is usually what we want when we do a left join.

# initial left data frame only has 3 rows

# join the data frame using multiple keys
x2_joined_mult_keys <- left_join(x2, y2, c("key1_x" = "key1_y", "key2_x" = "key2_y"))

# output now only has 3 rows


Part 4.5: Exploring the flight delays data

Let's look at three data frames from the NYC flights delays data set:




# join airlines on to the flights data frame
flights_airline <- flights |>


# delays for each airline
flights_airline |> 
  group_by(name) |> 
  summarize(mean_delay = mean(arr_delay, na.rm = TRUE))

# let's look at the weather too


# join the flights and the weather selecting only arrival delay and time 
flights_weather <- flights |>
  select(arr_delay, time_hour) |>    # ambiguous because did not include the airport


# join also including the airport location 
flights_weather <- flights |>
  select(arr_delay, origin, time_hour) |>   


# visualize the regression line to the data predicting delay from wind speed
flights_weather |>
  ggplot(aes(wind_speed, arr_delay)) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm")

emeyers/SDS230 documentation built on Jan. 18, 2024, 1:01 a.m.