
The purpose of this homework is to gain practice running analysis of variance hypothesis tests. Please fill in the appropriate code and write answers to all questions in the answer sections, then submit a compiled pdf with your answers through Gradescope by 11pm on Sunday December 3rd.

As always, if you need help with the homework, please attend the TA office hours which are listed on Canvas and/or ask questions on Ed Discussions. Also, if you have completed the homework, please help others out by answering questions on Ed Discussions, which will count toward your class participation grade.




set.seed(230)  # set the random number generator to always give the same random numbers


About the data you will analyze on this homework

In this homework you will analyze data from a cognitive science experiment that examined how the human visual system processes information. In particular, it is well known that when an object is very visually distinct from its surroundings, the object appears to "pop-out" and humans can rapidly identify the object. However, it is not known whether reaction times are affected by the position of where the object appears, or if having multiple irrelevant distractor objects affects reaction times. Understanding how humans process different visual stimuli could lead to better computer vision systems and could give insight into neural disorders (e.g., simultanagnosia).

The data you will analyze was collected in an experiment run by students at Hampshire College in the spring of 2017. In the experiment, participants were shown images of diamond shapes on a screen, where one side of the diamond was cut off (see images below). If the left side of the diamond was cutoff, participants had to press the "z" key, and if the right side of the diamond was cut off, participants had to press the "/" key. Participants needed to respond as quickly and as accurately as possible to these images.

On some trials only a single diamond was shown. On other trials a "salient" diamond of one color was presented with 8 other "distractor" diamonds of a different color, and participants needed to respond to the diamond that had a unique color. The diamonds appeared in one of 9 locations (in a 3 x 3 grid), and the diamonds were either red or green.

Our analyses on this homework will focus on whether reaction times were affected by the position of the salient diamond, and whether reaction times were affected by the presence of distractor diamonds.

The study was done using a "factorial design" where all permutations of each condition were shown in blocks of 72 stimuli. A complete experiment consisted of 10 blocks (720 stimuli in total). The stimuli conditions that made up each block were:

  1. position (9 levels): The position where the target (popout) stimulus appeared.

  2. condition (2 levels): Whether a trial was a isolated stimulus trial, or whether it as a cluttered trial where distractors also appeared.

  3. color (2 levels): The color of the target stimulus that participants needed to respond to, which could be red or green. When present, the distractor stimuli were always the opposite color as the target stimulus (e.g., if the target was red, then the distractors were all green).

  4. cur_dir (2 levels): whether the right or left side of the diamond was cut off. This also indicates whether the participants needed to press the "z" or "/" key. The cut off sides of all the distractors stimuli were random chosen and irrelevant for the task.

In addition to these factor variables that describe the stimulus conditions present on each experimental trial, the data frame also contains the quantitative variable reaction_time that measures participants' reaction times on each trial in milliseconds. The reaction_time will be the response variable (y) that we will model as a function of some of the explanatory variables listed above (namely the position and condition variables). Finally, the data frame had a few additional variables, including the participant variable, which is an unique ID for each of the 8 participant who participated in the study. On the final problem on this problem set, you might want to explore these additional variables.

Important Note: The data from this experiment has not yet been published, so please do not share this data outside of the class.


Examples of two of the stimuli used in the experiment. The image on the left
shows an isolated trial with a green target (popout) stimulus. Since the left
side of the diamond is cut off, participants need respond by pressing the "z"
key. The image on the right shows a cluttered trial with a red target (popout)
stimulus. Since the right side of the popout target diamond is cut off,
participants need to respond by pressing the "/" key.


Part 1: One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for testing more than two means

To start we will run an one-way analysis of variance to see if mean reaction times differ depending on the spatial position of where an object appeared on the screen. The positions of where the objects could appear on the screen are shown in the schematic below, where position 1 means the upper left corner of the screen, position 8 is the lower middle of the screen, etc.

| | | | |-----|-----|-----| | 1 | 2 | 3 | | 4 | 5 | 6 | | 7 | 8 | 9 |

The data set is loaded in the R chunk below and some basic processing is applied to simplify the data set. For the purpose of our analyses, we will only analyze trials where the salient ("pop-out") item did not appear at the central location (i.e, we will not analyze data from position 5).x

# load the data

# simplify the data set a little 
popout_data <-  popout_data |>
  na.omit() |>
  filter(position != 5) |>
  mutate(position = droplevels(position))



Part 1.1 (3 points):

Let's start running our one-way ANOVA in the same way we run all hypothesis tests, namely by stating the null and alternative hypotheses in symbols and words. Also state the alpha level that is most commonly used.


In words

In symbols

The significance level


Part 1.2a (4 points):

Now that you have stated your hypotheses, you are ready to begin analyzing the data. A first useful step in doing this is to visualize the data, so please use ggplot to create a box plot that shows reaction times as a function of the 8 different positions we are analyzing.

From looking at your visualization, in the answer section please discuss whether you think there is a statistically significant difference in mean reaction times depending on position.



Part 1.2b (4 points): In order for the F-distribution to be a valid null distribution for our F-statistic, two conditions must be met which are:

  1. The variances (or standard deviations) in each group must be approximately the same.
  2. The data from each group must be relatively normal.

Also, as with almost all hypothesis tests, the data points need to be independent, which we will assume that is the case here.

One can check these conditions either at the start of the analysis, or at the end before one draws a final conclusion. Let's check these conditions now!

We can check the first condition, as to whether the variances within each group are approximately the same, by comparing the standard deviations of reaction times within each group (position). As long as the largest standard deviation is not twice as big as the smallest standard deviation this condition is roughly met. Please use dplyr to check this condition, and print the standard deviations for each position as well as the ratio between the largest and smallest standard deviation. In the answer section below, describe whether this condition appears to be met.



Part 1.2c (6 points): We can check the second condition, as to whether the data is relatively normal in each group, by visually inspecting the data. We could do this in a few ways, including by creating a histogram of the residuals or by creating a Q-Q plot of the residuals. Here, the residuals are the difference between each point and its group mean.

To create these plots it will be useful to first create a data frame called popout_residuals that is derived from the popout_data data frame. Like the popout_data data frame, every row in popout_residuals represents a single trial, but popout_residuals also has two additional variables. The first variable is called group_mean_rt and should have the mean reaction time for each group (position). The second variable is called rt_residuals and should contain the difference between the reaction time for each trial and the mean reaction time for the corresponding position (i.e., the values in the group_mean_rt variable). Using the group_by() function in conjunction with the mutate() function will be helpful for adding these variables to the data frame.

Once you have created the popout_residuals data frame, create the Q-Q plot using the qqnorm() function. Based on this visualization, do the residuals appear normally distributed?

Note: as discussed in class, the ANOVA is fairly robust to departures from homoscedasticity and normality, particularly for large data sets. However it is still useful to check these conditions.



Part 1.2d (6 points):

As you should see from looking a the Q-Q plot of the residuals, the residuals do not appear to be that normally distributed. In particular, reaction times are always positive values, and is often the case with data that only has positive values, the data is right skewed.

To deal with this right skew, please create a transformed version of the reaction times, by taking their natural log using the log() function. In particular, create a new data frame called popout_log_data that is the same as the original popout_data except that the values in the reaction_time variable should be log transformed. Then, use the popout_log_data to recreate the popout_residuals data frame on the log transformed data, and then use this data to recreate the Q-Q plot of the residuals to show that the residuals are now more normally distributed.

For all the analyses in the rest of the problem set, please use the popout_log_data data frame since this transformed data more closely matches the ANOVA conditions.


Part 1.2e (12 points): Now that we have examined the ANOVA conditions, let's use dplyr to create an ANOVA table. ANOVA tables have the following form:

| Source | df | Sum of Sq. | Mean Square | F-stat | p-value | |-------------|---------|-------------|------------------|---------|---------| | Groups | K - 1 | SSG | MSG = SSG/(K-1) | MSG/MSE | | | Error | N - K | SSE | MSE = SSE/(N-K) | | | | Total | N - 1 | SSTotal | | | |


\begin{align} SSG &= \sum_{i = 1}^K n_i (\bar{x}i - \bar{x}{tot})^2 \ SSE &= \sum_{i = 1}^K\sum_{j = 1}^{n_i}(x_{ij} - \bar{x}i)^2 \ SST &= \sum{i = 1}^K\sum_{j = 1}^{n_i}(x_{ij} - \bar{x}_{tot})^2 \end{align}

For every cell in the table above with an expression in symbols, use dplyr to calculate a numeric replacement and write it into the table in the answer section below.

To do this, use the popout_residuals data frame you created in part 1.2d (that is based on the log transformed reaction times) to fill in the ANOVA table, which will be easier than using the popout_log_data data frame. Be sure to print out all the values as you compute them in the R chunk below to "show your work" (i.e., print out the dfs, SSG, SSE, MSG, etc.). You will fill in the p-value in this table later during part 1.5 of this homework.

Note: You can use the lm() aov or anova() to check your answers, but you are not allowed to use these functions to compute the F-statistic; i.e., you need to use just the popout_log_data data frame and dplyr to fill in the ANOVA table and to compute the F-statistic.


| Source | df | Sum of Sq. | Mean Square | F-stat | p-value | |-------------|---------|-------------|------------------|---------|------------| | Groups | | | | | | | Error | | | | | | | Total | | | | | |


Exercise 1.3 (5 points): Now let's create plot the null distribution for this hypothesis test. To create the appropriate F-distribution, use the degrees of freedom you calculated in part 1.2e. Then use either base R graphics or ggplot to plot the F-distribution density function (you can get the density values using the df() function), and add the observed statistic as a red vertical line to the plot. From looking at this null distribution, what do you think the p-value is?



Part 1.4 (4 points): Now do step 4 of hypothesis testing by calculating the p-value using the pf() function. Report what the p-value is (and make sure you look at the correct tail). Is this close to what you estimated by looking at the null distribution above? Also, fill in the p-value in the ANOVA table in part 1.2e above.



Part 1.5 (3 points): Now complete step 5 of hypothesis testing by making a judgment. Are you able to reject the null hypothesis? What do you conclude?



Exercise 1.6 (5 points): As we have discussed, we can use R's lm() function to run an ANOVA. Running an ANOVA and creating table requires two steps:

  1. We must fit a model using the syntax: fit <- lm(response_variable ~ categorical_predictor, data = my_data)

  2. We can then print an ANOVA table using anova(fit)

Please use the lm() function to fit a model that predicts reaction times from the different stimulus positions. Save the model that you fit to an object called fit_position. Then use the anova() function to see whether the results match the results you had in parts 1.1 to 1.5 above. Report below whether the results match.



Exercise 1.7 (5 points):

When we use the lm() function to run an ANOVA, we can use the plot() function on the model we have fit to get diagnostic plots which we can use to assess whether assumptions underlying the ANOVA were met (i.e., whether the residuals are normally distributed with equal variance). Please use the plot() function on the fit_position model you created above to create diagnostic plots. Also describe what is determining the x-axis location of the points in the residuals vs. fitted values plot (upper left plot).



Part 2: Two-way analysis of variance

Let's now run a two-way ANOVA to assess at once whether position and cluttered displays can affect reaction times.


Part 2.1 (9 points): Start your hypothesis test by stating the null and alternative hypotheses in symbols and words. State these null and alternative hypotheses for the main effect of position, the main effect of whether the condition is an isolated or cluttered trial, and also for the interaction effect of position and whether the condition is an isolated/cluttered trial (i.e., you should have 3 sets of hypotheses).

Main effect for position

In words

In symbols

Main effect for isolated/cluttered condition

In symbols

Interaction effect for position and isolated/cluttered

In words

In symbols


Part 2.2 (4 points):

Now fit a model that only has main effects for position and isolated/cluttered condition (i.e., that does not contain an interaction term). Are the main effects statistically significant?



Part 2.3 (6 points): Interaction effects

Now let's visualize the data to see if there is an interaction between position and isolated/cluttered condition.

Use the interaction.plot() function to visualize the position on the x-axis with different lines for the different isolated and cluttered conditions. For this plot, use the original popout_data rather than the log transformed data in order to make the y-axis scale more interpretable (i.e., the y-axis scale will be in terms of milliseconds rather than log milliseconds).

Also, try to make the plot look nice by making sure the labels are meaningful and choose a decent color scheme. Based on the this visualization, does there seem to be an interaction between position and isolated/cluttered conditions?



Part 2.4 (4 points): Testing interactions effects

Now fit a model has both the main effects and an interaction effect for position and isolated/cluttered condition. Are the main effects and interaction term statistically significant? What do you conclude?



Part 2.5 (6 points): Checking ANOVA assumptions

In order for our inferences to be valid, the assumptions underlying the ANOVA should be met. Please check these assumptions now and report whether they appear to be met.



Part 2.6 (7 points): Challenge problem

This is a "challenge problem" that you should try to figure out without getting help from the TAs.

Please explore some other aspect of the experiment to see if you can gain additional insight by creating at least one additional plot, and by running one additional ANOVA. For example, there are many other variables in the original data frame that you could explore to see how they affect reaction times, some of which have big effects. You could also run a "repeated measures" ANOVA where you treat each participant as a factor to see how reaction times differ between participants. We can discuss repeated measure ANOVAs more in class as well.

Once you have figured out an interesting analysis, describe what your plot and ANOVA results show in the answer section (e.g., comment on any statistically significant relationships you see).



Part 3: Thoughts on your final project (5 points)

Describe what you are planning on doing for your final project. Also, load the data you will use in your project in the R chunk below and print out the first few rows of the data you are using (e.g., by using the head() function). As mentioned before, I encourage you to email TA's and ULA's, or to talk to me if you need any help with your project.



Reflection (3 points)

Please reflect on how the homework went by going to Canvas, going to the Quizzes link, and clicking on Reflection on homework 10.

emeyers/SDS230 documentation built on Jan. 18, 2024, 1:01 a.m.