Bug corrected in medoid-based methods which allowed chosing the same object as medoid for different clusters. Issue was reported by Alexander Bauer (Department of Statistics LMU Munich).
Exclude duplicate objects that are in the same exact position as potential seeds
Version 2.0.1
Translation of vignettes to Rmarkdown
Version 2.0.0
IMPORTANT: Functions for Community Trajectory Analysis were moved to package 'ecotraj', available at GitHub (https://github.com/emf-creaf/ecotraj/) and soon also in CRAN.
Version 1.8.0
Update of function 'trajectoryAngles2D' by Anthony Sturbois
Version 1.7.9
New option to 'trajectoryLengths' and 'trajectoryAngles' to calculate distances and angles relative to initial survey
New functions 'trajectoryLengths2D' and 'trajectoryAngles2D' by Anthony Sturbois
Bug correction in vegdiststruct
Update of CTA vignette (suggestions P. Legendre)
Version 1.7.8
New option to 'trajectoryPCoA' and 'trajectoryPlot' to draw survey labels
Version 1.7.7
Bug correction 'stratifyvegdata'
Version 1.7.6
Adapt to Rcpp changes
Version 1.7.5
Now trajectory angles are measured between the direction of the first segment and the direction of the second segment.
Now mean and sd of trajectory angles are calculated using functions of package 'circular'
Parameter 'add' added to community trajectory analysis to deactivate constant addition in triplets violating the triangle inequality.
Update "centerTrajectories" according to Anderson (2017)
Improved CTA vignette
Version 1.7.4
Improvement of parameter checking in function 'stratifyvegdata'
Documentation of avoca data set
New function 'trajectoryPlot'
Version 1.7.3
New function 'trajectoryConvergence'
New function 'trajectoryDirectionality'
New function 'centerTrajectories'
Version 1.7.2
New function 'trajectoryAngles'.
New function 'trajectoryProjection'.
New vignette for trajectory analysis.
Version 1.7.1
Package encoding. Changed package and author description.
Version 1.7.0
NEW feature: Trajectory analysis. Functions 'trajectoryDistances', 'trajectoryLengths' and 'trajectoryPCoA.
Added option to 'trajectoryDistances' to allow different symmetrization functions (e.g. min) in addition to 'mean'.