calc_odds_ratio: A simple function to calculate an odds ratio and the...

View source: R/calc_odds_ratio.R

calc_odds_ratioR Documentation

A simple function to calculate an odds ratio and the asymptotic confidence interval.


Given a data frame and two columns, the function will calculate and odds ratio and the asymptotic (Wald) confidence interval. Note the variables should have two levels so that a 2x2 table could be formed.

Interpretation: The odds of y among those with x is OR time the odds of y among those without x.

DescTools::OddsRatio() might be better for general use. Or the great package vcd also has a function.


calc_odds_ratio(data, x, y, pad_zeros = FALSE, conf_level = 0.95)



A data frame or tibble


The factor variable of interest; the exposure; counts are represented horizontally in a 2x2 table.


The outcome variable of interest; the disease; counts are represented vertically in a 2x2 table.


If TRUE add 0.5 to any zero cells in order to make the calculations work. Kind of an old epidemiologists trick. More sophisticated statistical methods exists to address this.


Confidence levels


A tibble


phs <- matrix(c(189, 10845, 104, 10933), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)
dimnames(phs) <- list(Group = c("Placebo", "Aspirin"), MI = c("Yes", "No"))
phs # a matrix
# convert it to a data frame
phs_df <- lamisc::counts_to_cases(phs)
calc_odds_ratio(data = phs_df, x = Group, y = MI)

simple_df <- tibble::tibble(
  disease = sample(c("Present", "Absent"),
                   size = 100,
                   replace = TRUE,
                   prob = c(0.30, 0.70)),
  exposure = sample(c("Exposed", "Not exposed"),
                    size = 100,
                    replace = TRUE,
                    prob = c(0.60, 0.40))
janitor::tabyl(dat = simple_df, exposure, disease)
calc_odds_ratio(data = simple_df, x = exposure, y = disease)

emilelatour/lamisc documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 3:30 p.m.