hw09 : A package to assist in the visualization of linear model results

The goal of hw09 is to create an easy to use package that allows users to quickly visualize the objects produced in a simple linear model, including a table of regression coefficients and p values, as well as qplot using the lmfun() function. Please note, the pow function is a silly add on that was mostly developed in class.

The gapminder data were included as a readily accessible way for the user to practice using the function. I added to the pow function we developed in class to include plots but also to exploit some of the different test that expressions.


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

lmfun(gapminder$lifeExp, gapminder$gdpPercap, mydata = gapminder)

#>          term    estimate std.error statistic       p.value
#> 1 (Intercept) -19277.2490 914.09284 -21.08894  6.744507e-88
#> 2           x    445.4447  15.01955  29.65766 3.565724e-156

pow(1:35, 5)

#>  [1]        1       32      243     1024     3125     7776    16807
#>  [8]    32768    59049   100000   161051   248832   371293   537824
#> [15]   759375  1048576  1419857  1889568  2476099  3200000  4084101
#> [22]  5153632  6436343  7962624  9765625 11881376 14348907 17210368
#> [29] 20511149 24300000 28629151 33554432 39135393 45435424 52521875

emwest/stat547HW09 documentation built on May 8, 2019, 6:52 p.m.