knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, comment = "#>") knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 7, fig.height = 6, fig.align = "center") library(knitr)
merra2ools is an R library and a dataset. It is assumed that R version >=4.0 is pre-installed. (Rtools
is also required on Windows to build this and several other packages from source or GitHub). It is also recommended (though it is not required) to use RStudio or other IDE for R. merra2ools
depends on several R-packages which (if not yet available on your system) will be installed along with the merra2ools
installation (see the package DESCRIPTION for details). The package also requires its dataset to be downloaded separately from the installation of the package (see below). Though merra2ools
package can operate without the dataset (for estimation capacity factors, solar geometry, etc.), the supplied data should be formatted in the same way as it is expected by the package functions.
merra2sample is 12-days example of the the merra2ools
subset (41 years), 21st-day of each month of 2010. It can installed directly from GitHub, and used for quick checks of the data and its format; it is also used to build vignettes (articles) of merra2ools
package. Since the example dataset has considerable size for R-packages (~0.5Gb) and mostly repeats the main dataset, it is saved as a separate package.
pkg <- function() rownames(installed.packages()) # returns names of installed packages # Installation of `merra2ools` package if (!("remotes" %in% pkg())) install.packages("remotes") if (!("merra2ools" %in% pkg())) remotes::install_github("energyRt/merra2ools", dependencies = TRUE) if (!("merra2sample" %in% pkg())) remotes::install_github("energyRt/merra2sample") # Packages used in the vignette if (!("rnaturalearthhires" %in% pkg())) devtools::install_github("ropensci/rnaturalearthhires") if (!("scales" %in% pkg())) install.packages("scales") if (!("cowplot" %in% pkg())) install.packages("cowplot") if (!("kableExtra" %in% pkg())) install.packages("kableExtra")
dataset (~270Gb) can be downloaded from, unziped in a dedicated directory on an internal or external hard-drive, and configured as described below.
Loading packages used in the vignette.
library(tidyverse) library(merra2ools) library(sf) library(cowplot) library(kableExtra)
Checking if the dataset is connected.
Connecting the dataset (if not yet connected)
check_merra2("PATH TO THE DOWNLOADED DATA") # check if the data in the directory set_merra2_options(merra2.dir = "PATH TO THE DOWNLOADED DATA") # safe the path get_merra2_dir() # check if the path is saved check_merra2(detailed = T)
The database is organized in monthly files in fst
format. There are two functions to read a whole file (read_merra_file()
) or read a subset for specified locations and time period (get_merra2_subset()
). Both functions provide an option to read the dataset in the scaled format, in reported units (default) or "raw" format (as integers - the way it is stored).
x <- read_merra_file("202012", as_integers = TRUE)
kable(x[1:5,], caption = "Subset of raw data (as integers)") %>% kable_styling(font_size = 8, full_width = T) %>% column_spec(1, width_min = "11em", background = "lightgrey") %>% column_spec(2, background = "lightgrey")
x <- get_merra2_subset(from = "20201130 01", to = "20201201 23")
# if (!("kableExtra" %in% pkg())) install.packages("kableExtra") # library(kableExtra) kable(x[1:5,], caption = "merra2ools subset") %>% kable_styling(font_size = 8, full_width = T) %>% column_spec(1, width_min = "11em", background = "lightgrey") %>% column_spec(2, background = "lightgrey")
Every data-point in the used MERRA-2 collections (see the dataset description) is associated with coordinates and time. The original MERRA-2 files have index-variables V1
, V2
, and V3
to identify longitude, latitude, and time (hour) dimensions respectively. For convenience, a location identifier locid
has been generated as a Kronecker product of V1
and V2
. The locid
identifier is used as the key variable of MERRA-2 locations, instead of V1
and V2
. The time identifier (V3
- hour) is combined with the year, month, and day in UTC
key variable. The total number of location points in MERRA-2 is 207,936 (576 X 361). The identifier is saved in the merra2ools
package \data
directory and can be called with data
function (data("locid")
) or directly locid
# Ways to call `locid` data.frame data("locid") merra2ools::locid locid
kable(rbind(locid[1:3,], locid[207934:207936,]), caption = "Location identifiers", label = "Table") %>% kable_styling(font_size = 8, position = "center")
lon <- unique(locid$lon) head(lon, 10) length(lon) lat <- unique(locid$lat) head(lat, 10) length(lat) lo <- unique(c(seq(-180, max(lon), by = 30), max(lon))) %>% sort() la <- seq(-90, 90, by = 15) locid_sample <- filter(locid, lon %in% lo, lat %in% la) world_map <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(scale = "small", returnclass = "sf") fig.locid <- ggplot() + geom_sf(fill = "wheat", alpha = .75, colour = NA, size = 0.25, data = world_map) + theme_bw() + geom_rect(aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax), data = data.frame(xmin = -180, xmax = 180, ymin = -90, ymax = 90), alpha = .5, fill = NA, colour = "grey85") + geom_point(aes(x = lon, y = lat), data = locid_sample, size = 1, colour = "red") + geom_text(aes(x = lon, y = lat, label = locid), data = locid_sample, position = position_nudge(y = 4), alpha = 0.75, size = unit(3, "lines")) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = ceiling(lo), minor_breaks = ceiling(lo)) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = round(la), minor_breaks = ceiling(la)) + labs(x = "lon") + coord_sf(xlim = c(-190, 190), ylim = c(-95, 95)) + # labs(x = "lon", title = "Location ID (`locid`) layout of MERRA-2 subset") + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), axis.text = element_text(family = 'arial')) ggsave("images/locid_map2.png", fig.locid, width = 9, height = 5.)
fig_file <- "images/locid_map.png" # if (file.exists(fig_file)) include_graphics(fig_file)
with a mapLocation identifiers in merra2ools
dataset can be seen as spatial points or centers (centroids) of a spatial grid or spatial polygons. Subsetting locid
for a particular geographical region can be done using a "map" of the region in SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
format (spdf
). Function get_locid
offers two alternative criteria of selecting locid
s is implemented in get_locid
* locid
as a spatial points overlay the map's spatial polygons (method = "points");
* locid
as a spatial polygon intersect with the map's spatial polygons (method = "intersect").
Three examples below compare subsetting with the two methods for three different regions/countries.
# US-map usa_sf <- rnaturalearth::ne_states(iso_a2 = "us", returnclass = "sf") # Subset Florida map florida_sf <- usa_sf[usa_sf$name_en == "Florida",] # location IDs, two methods locid_fl_p <- get_locid(florida_sf, method = "points") locid_fl_i <- get_locid(florida_sf, method = "polygons") # MERRA-2 grid for the selected `locid's` locid_fl_grid <- get_merra2_grid("poly", locid = locid_fl_i) # Plot a <- ggplot() + geom_sf(data = florida_sf, fill = "wheat") + geom_sf(data = locid_fl_grid, color = "darkgrey", fill = NA) + geom_point(aes(lon, lat), data = locid[locid_fl_p,], color = "red", shape = 16) + geom_point(aes(lon, lat), data = locid[locid_fl_i,], color = "red", shape = 1) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") ggsave("images/example1_florida_locids.png", a, width = 5, height = 5)
fig_file <- "images/example1_florida_locids.png" if (file.exists(fig_file)) include_graphics(fig_file)
# Map iceland_sf <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(country = "iceland", scale = "large", returnclass = "sf") # location IDs, two methods locid_isl_p <- get_locid(iceland_sf, method = "points") locid_isl_i <- get_locid(iceland_sf, method = "poly") # MERRA-2 grid for the selected `locid's` locid_isl_grid <- get_merra2_grid("poly", locid = locid_isl_i) # Plots a <- ggplot() + geom_sf(data = iceland_sf, fill = "wheat") + geom_sf(data = locid_isl_grid, color = "darkgrey", fill = NA) + geom_point(aes(lon, lat), data = locid[locid_isl_p,], color = "red", shape = 16) + geom_point(aes(lon, lat), data = locid[locid_isl_i,], color = "red", shape = 1) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") ggsave("images/example2_iceland_locids.png", a, width = 5, height = 5)
fig_file <- "images/example2_iceland_locids.png" if (file.exists(fig_file)) include_graphics(fig_file)
# Map kenya_sf <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(country = "kenya", returnclass = "sf") # location IDs, two methods locid_ken_p <- get_locid(kenya_sf, method = "points") locid_ken_i <- get_locid(kenya_sf, method = "poly") # MERRA-2 grid for the selected `locid's` locid_ken_grid <- get_merra2_grid("poly", locid = locid_ken_i) # Plot a <- ggplot() + geom_sf(data = kenya_sf, fill = "wheat") + geom_sf(data = locid_ken_grid, color = "darkgrey", fill = NA) + geom_point(aes(lon, lat), data = locid[locid_ken_p,], color = "red", shape = 16) + geom_point(aes(lon, lat), data = locid[locid_ken_i,], color = "red", shape = 1) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") ggsave("images/example3_kenya_locids.png", a, width = 5, height = 5)
fig_file <- "images/example3_kenya_locids.png" if (file.exists(fig_file)) include_graphics(fig_file)
merra_fl <- get_merra2_subset(locid = locid_fl_i, from = "20190101 00", to = "20191231 23", tz = "US/Eastern") merra_isl <- get_merra2_subset(locid = locid_isl_i, from = "20190101 00", to = "20191231 23", tz = "Atlantic/Reykjavik") merra_ken <- get_merra2_subset(locid = locid_ken_i, from = "20190101 00", to = "20191231 23", tz = "Africa/Nairobi")
Estimation of wind power capacity factors (CF) for the first example - Florida.
# Estimate capacity factors merra_fl <- fWindCF(merra_fl, height = 150) # Annual averages win_fl_y <- merra_fl %>% # annual averages group_by(locid) %>% summarise(win150af = mean(win150af, na.rm = T)) %>% add_merra2_grid()
We can also cluster locations based on correlation of certain timeseries across locations.
# Cluster locations based on correlation win_fl_cl <- cluster_locid( merra_fl, varname = "win150af", locid_info = locid_fl_grid, max_loss = .05, verbose = T) tol_level <- .10 # 10% # tol_level <- .05 # 5% # Select clusters with {tol_level}% tolerance (loss of standard deviation) win_fl_cl_k <- win_fl_cl %>% filter(sd_loss <= tol_level) %>% mutate(k_min = (k == min(k))) %>% ungroup() %>% filter(k_min) %>% select(-k_min)
# Cluster-loss figure win_fl_cl_kk <- win_fl_cl %>% group_by(k) %>% summarise(sd_loss = max(sd_loss), N = max(N), .groups = "drop") locid_win_cl_k_i <- win_fl_cl_k %>% group_by(k) %>% summarise(sd_loss = max(sd_loss), N = max(N), .groups = "drop") a <- ggplot(win_fl_cl_kk) + geom_line(aes(k, sd_loss), color = "dodgerblue", linewidth = 1.5) + geom_point(aes(k, sd_loss), color = "red", data = locid_win_cl_k_i) + geom_hline(yintercept = tol_level, color = "red", linetype = 2) + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent, limits = c(0, NA)) + # scale_x_continuous(breaks = rev_integer_breaks(5)) + labs(x = "Number of clusters (k)", y = "loss, % of s.d.") + theme_bw() ggsave("images/example1_florida_wind_clusters.png", a, width = 4.5, height = 3)
fig_file <- "images/example1_florida_wind_clusters.png" if (file.exists(fig_file)) include_graphics(fig_file)
win_fl_cl_sf <- locid_fl_grid %>% st_make_valid() %>% left_join( select(win_fl_cl_k, any_of(c("locid", "cluster"))) ) %>% filter(! %>% mutate(cluster = factor(cluster)) a <- ggplot(win_fl_cl_sf) + geom_sf(fill = "lightgrey", data = florida_sf) + geom_sf(aes(fill = cluster), color = NA) + geom_sf(color = alpha("black", 1), fill = NA, data = florida_sf) + scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "H", direction = 1, name = "Cluster") + labs(title = paste0("Clustered wind sites by region", ", sd_loss <= ", tol_level * 100, "%")) + theme_bw() a ggsave("images/example1_florida_wind_clusters_map.png", a, width = 5, height = 5)
Based on the clustering of the hourly time series, combining 73 wind capacity factors into 7 clusters will result in loss of standard deviation less than 10%.
fig_file <- "images/example1_florida_wind_clusters_map.png" if (file.exists(fig_file)) include_graphics(fig_file)
Do the same for other examples - Iceland and Kenya.
# Estimate capacity factors merra_isl <- fWindCF(merra_isl, height = 150) # Annual averages win_isl_y <- merra_isl %>% # annual averages group_by(locid) %>% summarise(win150af = mean(win150af, na.rm = T)) %>% add_merra2_grid()
# Estimate capacity factors merra_ken <- fWindCF(merra_ken, height = 150) # Annual averages win_ken_y <- merra_ken %>% group_by(locid) %>% summarise(win150af = mean(win150af, na.rm = T)) %>% add_merra2_grid()
Estimation of Plane of Array Irradiance (POA) for fixed tilted (fl) array-systems for Florida
# Estimate POA merra_fl <- merra_fl %>% fPOA(array.type = "fl") # Annual averages poa_fl_y <- merra_fl %>% group_by(locid) %>% summarise(POA.fl = sum(POA.fl, na.rm = T)/365/1e3) %>% add_merra2_grid()
Repeat for other examples.
# Estimate POA merra_isl <- merra_isl %>% fPOA(array.type = "fl") # Annual averages poa_isl_y <- merra_isl %>% group_by(locid) %>% summarise(POA.fl = sum(POA.fl, na.rm = T)/365/1e3) %>% add_merra2_grid()
# Estimate POA merra_ken <- merra_ken %>% fPOA(array.type = "fl") # Annual averages poa_ken_y <- merra_ken %>% group_by(locid) %>% summarise(POA.fl = sum(POA.fl, na.rm = T)/365/1e3) %>% add_merra2_grid()
Comparative figure
To use the same scale,
wnd_range <- range(win_fl_y$win150af, win_isl_y$win150af, win_ken_y$win150af) wnd_breaks <- scales::breaks_pretty(5)(wnd_range) wnd_range <- range(wnd_breaks) poa_range <- range(poa_fl_y$POA.fl, poa_isl_y$POA.fl, poa_ken_y$POA.fl) poa_breaks <- scales::breaks_pretty(5)(poa_range) poa_range <- range(poa_breaks)
# Plot capacity factor variable on map cf_plot <- function( data, gis_sf, var_name, brakes, labels = brakes, limits = range(brakes), legend_name = var_name, viridis_palette = "viridis", border_colour = alpha("white", .5), legend_position = "none") { ggplot() + geom_sf(aes(fill = .data[[var_name]]), data = data) + geom_sf(data = gis_sf, fill = NA, colour = border_colour) + scale_fill_viridis_c( breaks = brakes, labels = labels, limits = limits, name = legend_name, option = viridis_palette) + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = legend_position) + theme(plot.margin = margin(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "cm")) + labs(x = "", y = "") } # Combine plots into one plot_grid( cf_plot(win_fl_y, florida_sf, "win150af", wnd_breaks), cf_plot(win_isl_y, iceland_sf, "win150af", wnd_breaks), cf_plot(win_ken_y, kenya_sf, "win150af", wnd_breaks, legend_position = "right", legend_name = "Wind\nCF"), # NULL, NULL, NULL, cf_plot(poa_fl_y, florida_sf, "POA.fl", poa_breaks, viridis_palette = "plasma"), cf_plot(poa_isl_y, iceland_sf, "POA.fl", poa_breaks, viridis_palette = "plasma"), cf_plot(poa_ken_y, kenya_sf, "POA.fl", poa_breaks, viridis_palette = "plasma", legend_position = "right", legend_name = "POA\nkW/day"), # rel_heights = c(1, -.3, 1), ncol = 3, rel_widths = c(1, 1.3, 1.17), labels = c("Florida", "Iceland", "Kenya"), hjust = c(-1.6, -1.9, -1.6) ) ggsave2("images/cf_group.png", width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 200)
fig_file <- "images/cf_group.png" if (file.exists(fig_file)) include_graphics(fig_file)
prec_ken_m <- merra_ken %>% mutate( local_time = lubridate::with_tz(UTC, "Africa/Nairobi"), year = year(local_time), month = month(local_time), month_name = factor([month], levels =, ordered = TRUE)) %>% group_by(locid, year, month, month_name) %>% summarise( PRECTOTCORR = sum(PRECTOTCORR, na.rm = T), T10M = mean(T10M), .groups = "drop" ) %>% add_merra2_grid()
pre_range <- range(prec_ken_m$PRECTOTCORR) pre_breaks <- scales::breaks_pretty(5)(pre_range) pre_range <- range(pre_breaks) cf_plot(prec_ken_m, kenya_sf, "PRECTOTCORR", brakes = pre_breaks, legend_position = "right") + facet_wrap(.~month) ggplot(prec_ken_m) + geom_sf(aes(fill = PRECTOTCORR)) + scale_fill_distiller(palette = "YlGnBu", direction = 1, name = "mm /\nmonth") + facet_wrap(.~month_name) + geom_sf(data = kenya_sf, fill = NA, colour = alpha("black", .5)) + theme_bw() + labs(x = "", y = "") ggsave("images/precipitation_m_kenya.png", scale = 1.5, width = 5, height = 5) ggplot(prec_ken_m) + geom_sf(aes(fill = T10M)) + scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Spectral", direction = -1, name = "\u00B0C") + facet_wrap(.~month_name) + geom_sf(data = kenya_sf, fill = NA, colour = alpha("black", .5)) + theme_bw() ggsave("images/temperature_m_kenya.png", scale = 1.5, width = 5, height = 5)
fig_file <- "images/precipitation_m_kenya.png" if (file.exists(fig_file)) include_graphics(fig_file)
fig_file <- "images/temperature_m_kenya.png" if (file.exists(fig_file)) include_graphics(fig_file)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.