options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE) library(knitr) knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) # Code execution parameters #### rerun <- TRUE # if TRUE, (re)runs all the script and (re)saves all figures, inlc. gifs rerun <- FALSE # if FALSE, knits the document using saved figures
library(merra2ools) library(merra2sample) # if (rerun) library(merra2sample) library(tidyverse) library(cowplot)
# Example dataset # merra <- merra2_sample(month = 1:12, add.coord = T) # Note: month = 1:12 requires ~64Gb of RAM # one month (such as month = 3 or month = 1) requires ~10Gb or RAM merra <- merra2_sample(month = c(3, 6, 9, 12), add.coord = T) merra x <- fPOA(merra) # keep.all = T - keeps all interim variables
Figure code
fig.POA <- function(x, name, legend.position = NULL, timestamp.position = NULL, ...) { plot_merra(x, name = name, limits = c(0, 1200), # legend.position = c(0.88, 0.05), legend.position = legend.position, legend.name = ("W/\u33A1"), timestamp.position = timestamp.position, expand.x = c(0.002, 0.005), expand.y = c(0.002, 0.005) ) } fig.POA(x, "SWGDN") fig.POA.grid <- function(x, legend.position = c(0.81, 0.08), timestamp.position = c(125, 85), ...) { plot_grid( # fig.POA(x, "SWGDN", ...), fig.POA(x, "POA.fh", ...), fig.POA(x, "POA.fl", timestamp.position = timestamp.position, ...), fig.POA(x, "POA.th", ...), fig.POA(x, "POA.tv", ...), fig.POA(x, "POA.tl", ...), fig.POA(x, "POA.td", legend.position = legend.position, ...), # fig.dPS(x), labels = c( #"GHI", "POA.fh", "POA.fl", "POA.th", "POA.tv", "POA.tl", "POA.td"), ncol = 2, nrow = 3, hjust = -0.1, vjust = 1.1, label_size = 12, label_colour = "black") } fig.POA.grid(x) ii <- rep(TRUE, nrow(x)) # ii <- lubridate::month(x$UTC) <= 1; summary(ii) gif_merra(x[ii,], FUN = "fig.POA.grid", dirname = "images", fps = 5, gif.width = 1.25 * 576, gif.height = 1.25 * 360 * 1.21, filename.prefix = "fig.POA.grid")
gif_file <- "images/POA_map_720x544_5fps.gif" if (file.exists(gif_file)) include_graphics(gif_file)
x <- solar_position(merra, keep.all = T, integral_steps = 1) # x <- solar_position(merra, verbose = 0, keep.all = T) # x <- azimuth.convertion(x)
Figure code
x$na <- 1L; x$na[!x$beam] <- NA # drop nights summary(x$beam) plot_merra(x, "beam", limits = c(0, 1), palette = "YlGnBu", legend.name = "") summary(x$declination) fig.declination <- function(x, limits = c(-.5, .5), legend.name = "angle\u00b0", ...) { plot_merra(x, "declination", limits = limits, # palette = "YlGnBu", legend.name = legend.name, ...) } fig.declination(x) summary(x$eq_time) fig.eq_time <- function(x, limits = c(-15, 15), ...) { plot_merra(x, "eq_time", limits = limits, palette = "PRGn", legend.name = "Munutes", direction = -1, ...) } fig.eq_time(x) summary(x$solar_time) fig.solar_time <- function(x, limits = c(-12, 36), palette = "Dark2", legend.name = "Hours", ...) { plot_merra(x, "solar_time", limits = limits, palette = palette, legend.name = legend.name, ...) } fig.solar_time(x) summary(x$hour_angle) summary(rad2deg(x$hour_angle)) fig.hour_angle <- function(x, limits = c(-360, 360), scale = 180/pi, palette = "Set1", legend.name = "angle\u00b0", direction = 1, ...) { plot_merra(x, "hour_angle", limits = limits, scale = scale, palette = palette, legend.name = legend.name, direction = direction, ...) } fig.hour_angle(x) summary(x$zenith) fig.zenith <- function(x, ...) { plot_merra(x, "zenith", limits = c(0, 90), direction = 1, scale = x$na, palette = "Blues", legend.name = "angle\u00b0", ...) } fig.zenith(x) summary(x$azimuth_N) fig.azimuth <- function(x, ...) { plot_merra(x, "azimuth_N", # limits = c(0, 360), limits = c(-180, 180), legend.name = "angle\u00b0", palette = "Set1", # palette = "Blues", scale = x$na, direction = -1, ...) } fig.azimuth(x) fig.solar_postion <- function(x, legend.position = c(0.80, 0.08), timestamp.position = c(125, 85), ...) { plot_grid(fig.declination(x, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = legend.position, ...), fig.eq_time(x, timestamp.position = timestamp.position, legend.position = legend.position, ...), fig.solar_time(x, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = legend.position, ...), fig.hour_angle(x, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = legend.position, ...), fig.zenith(x, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = legend.position, ...), fig.azimuth(x, legend.position = legend.position, timestamp.position = NULL, ...), # fig.dPS(x), labels = c("declination", "eq_time", "solar_time", "hour_angle", "zenith", "azimuth_N"), ncol = 2, nrow = 3, hjust = -0.1, vjust = 1.1, label_size = 12, label_colour = "black") } fig.solar_postion(x) # ii <- lubridate::hour(x$UTC) <= 2; summary(ii) gif_merra(x, FUN = "fig.solar_postion", dirname = "images", fps = 5, gif.width = 1.25 * 576, gif.height = 1.25 * 360 * 1.21, filename.prefix = "fig.solar_postion_")
gif_file <- "images/fig.solar_postion_720x544_5fps.gif" if (file.exists(gif_file)) include_graphics(gif_file)
Figure code
x <- ghi_decomposition(x, keep.all = T) summary(x$ext_irrad) fig.ext_irrad <- function(x, ...) { plot_merra(x, "ext_irrad", limits = c(1300, 1450), direction = 1, palette = "Oranges", legend.name = "W/\u33A1", ...) } fig.ext_irrad(x) summary(x$clearness_index) fig.clearness_index <- function(x, ...) { plot_merra(x, "clearness_index", limits = c(0, 1), direction = -1, palette = "Blues", ...) } fig.clearness_index(x) summary(x$diffuse_fraction) fig.diffuse_fraction <- function(x, ...) { plot_merra(x, "diffuse_fraction", limits = c(0, 1), palette = "Blues", direction = 1, ...) } fig.diffuse_fraction(x) summary(x$DNI) fig.DNI <- function(x, ...) { plot_merra(x, "DNI", legend.name = "W/\u33A1", limits = c(0, 1200), ...) } fig.DNI(x) summary(x$DHI) fig.DHI <- function(x, ...) { plot_merra(x, "DHI", legend.name = "W/\u33A1", limits = c(0, 1200), ...) } fig.DHI(x) fig.ghi_decomposition <- function(x, legend.position = c(0.81, 0.09), timestamp.position = c(125, 85), ...) { plot_grid(fig.POA(x, "SWGDN", timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = NULL, limits = c(0, 1200), ...), fig.ext_irrad(x, timestamp.position = timestamp.position, legend.position = legend.position, ...), fig.clearness_index( x, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = NULL, ...), fig.diffuse_fraction(x, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = legend.position, ...), fig.DNI(x, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = NULL, ...), fig.DHI(x, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = legend.position, ...), # fig.azimuth(x, legend.position = legend.position, # timestamp.position = NULL, ...), # # fig.dPS(x), labels = c("GHI", "ext_irrad", "clearness_index", "diffuse_fraction", "DNI", "DHI"), ncol = 2, nrow = 3, hjust = -0.1, vjust = 1.1, label_size = 12, label_colour = "black") } fig.ghi_decomposition(x) gif_merra(x, FUN = "fig.ghi_decomposition", dirname = "images", fps = 5, gif.width = 1.25 * 576, gif.height = 1.25 * 360 * 1.21, filename.prefix = "fig.ghi_decomposition_")
gif_file <- "images/fig.ghi_decomposition_720x544_5fps.gif" if (file.exists(gif_file)) include_graphics(gif_file)
Figure code
x <- pv_array_position(x, array.type = "all") x # convert azimuth from "Q" to "N" for figures x <- merra2ools:::azimuth_Q2N(x, paste0("array.azimuth_Q.", pv_array_types()[,1]), paste0("array.azimuth_N.", pv_array_types()[,1])) fig.array.tilt <- function(x, array.type = "fl", ...) { plot_merra(x, paste0("array.tilt.", array.type), limits = c(0, 90), palette = "Spectral", direction = -1, ...) } fig.array.azimuth <- function(x, array.type = "fl", azimuth.suffix = "_N", limits = c(0, 360), ...) { plot_merra(x, paste0("array.azimuth", azimuth.suffix, ".", array.type), limits = limits, # c(0, 360) # limits = c(-180, 180), direction = -1, palette = "Set1", ...) } summary(x$array.tilt.fh); summary(x$array.azimuth.fh) fig.array.tilt(x, "fh") fig.array.azimuth(x, "fh") fig.array.azimuth(x, "fh", azimuth.suffix = "_Q") summary(x$array.tilt.fl); summary(x$array.azimuth.fl) fig.array.tilt(x, "fl") fig.array.azimuth(x, "fl") summary(x$array.tilt.th); summary(x$array.azimuth.th) fig.array.tilt(x, "th") fig.array.azimuth(x, "th", scale = x$na) summary(x$array.tilt.tl); summary(x$array.azimuth.tl) fig.array.tilt(x, "tl") fig.array.azimuth(x, "tl", scale = x$na) summary(x$array.tilt.tv); summary(x$array.azimuth.tv) fig.array.tilt(x, "tv") fig.array.azimuth(x, "tv", scale = x$na) summary(x$array.tilt.td); summary(x$array.azimuth.td) fig.array.tilt(x, "td") fig.array.azimuth(x, "td", scale = x$na) fig.array.azimuth(x, "td", azimuth.suffix = "") fig.array.tilt.grid <- function( x, legend.position = c(0.81, 0.08), timestamp.position = c(125, 85), ...) { plot_grid( fig.array.tilt(x, "fh", timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = NULL, scale = x$na, ...), fig.array.tilt(x, "fl", timestamp.position = timestamp.position, legend.position = NULL, scale = x$na, ...), fig.array.tilt(x, "th", scale = x$na, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = NULL, ...), fig.array.tilt(x, "tv", scale = x$na, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = NULL, ...), fig.array.tilt(x, "tl", scale = x$na, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = NULL, ...), fig.array.tilt(x, "td", scale = x$na, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = legend.position, ...), labels = c("fh", "fl", "th", "tv", "tl","td"), ncol = 2, hjust = -0.1, vjust = 1.1, label_size = 12, label_colour = "#fdf8db") } ii <- x$hour == 12 b <- fig.array.tilt.grid(x[ii,], legend.position = c(0.81, 0.12)) ggsave("images/fig.array.tilt.grid.png", b, width = 7, height = 10.5/2) gif_merra(x, FUN = "fig.array.tilt.grid", dirname = "images", fps = 5, gif.width = 1.25 * 576, gif.height = round(1.25 * 360 * 1.21), filename.prefix = "fig.array.tilt.grid_") fig.array.azimuth.grid <- function( x, legend.position = c(0.81, 0.08), timestamp.position = c(125, 85), ...) { plot_grid( fig.array.azimuth(x, "fh", timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = NULL, scale = x$na, ...), fig.array.azimuth(x, "fl", timestamp.position = timestamp.position, legend.position = NULL, scale = x$na, ...), fig.array.azimuth(x, "th", scale = x$na, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = NULL, ...), fig.array.azimuth(x, "tv", scale = x$na, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = NULL, ...), fig.array.azimuth(x, "tl", scale = x$na, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = NULL, ...), fig.array.azimuth(x, "td", scale = x$na, timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = legend.position, ...), labels = c("fh", "fl", "th", "tv", "tl","td"), ncol = 2, hjust = -0.1, vjust = 1.1, label_size = 12, label_colour = "#fdf8db") } ii <- x$hour == 12 b <- fig.array.azimuth.grid(x[ii,], legend.position = c(0.81, 0.12)) ggsave("images/fig.array.azimuth.grid.png", b, width = 7, height = 10.5/2) gif_merra(x, FUN = "fig.array.azimuth.grid", dirname = "images", fps = 5, gif.width = 1.25 * 576, gif.height = round(1.25 * 360 * 1.21), filename.prefix = "fig.array.azimuth_N.grid_") gif_merra(x, FUN = "fig.array.azimuth.grid", azimuth.suffix = "_Q", limits = c(-180, 180), dirname = "images", fps = 5, gif.width = 1.25 * 576, gif.height = round(1.25 * 360 * 1.21), filename.prefix = "fig.array.azimuth_Q.grid_")
gif_file <- "images/fig.array.tilt.grid_720x544_5fps.gif" if (file.exists(gif_file)) include_graphics(gif_file)
gif_file <- "images/fig.array.azimuth_N.grid_720x544_5fps.gif" if (file.exists(gif_file)) include_graphics(gif_file)
gif_file <- "images/fig.array.azimuth_Q.grid_720x544_5fps.gif" if (file.exists(gif_file)) include_graphics(gif_file)
Figure code
x <- angle_of_incidence(x, array.type = "all") fig.AOI <- function(x, array.type = "fl", ...) { plot_merra(x, paste0("AOI.", array.type), limits = c(0, 90), direction = 1, # palette = "Blues", palette = "Set1", legend.name = "angle\u00b0", scale = 180/pi, ...) } summary(x$AOI.fh); summary(rad2deg(x$AOI.fh)) fig.AOI(x, "fh") summary(rad2deg(x$AOI.fl)) fig.AOI(x, "fl") summary(rad2deg(x$AOI.th)) fig.AOI(x, "th") summary(rad2deg(x$AOI.tl)) fig.AOI(x, "tl") summary(rad2deg(x$AOI.tv)) fig.AOI(x, "tv") summary(rad2deg(x$AOI.td)) fig.AOI(x, "td") fig.AOI.grid <- function(x, legend.position = c(0.81, 0.08), timestamp.position = c(125, 85), ...) { plot_grid( fig.AOI(x, "fh", timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = NULL, ...), fig.AOI(x, "fl", timestamp.position = timestamp.position, legend.position = NULL, ...), fig.AOI(x, "th", timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = NULL, ...), fig.AOI(x, "tv", timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = NULL, ...), fig.AOI(x, "tl", timestamp.position = NULL, legend.position = NULL, ...), fig.AOI(x, "td", legend.position = legend.position, timestamp.position = NULL, ...), # fig.dPS(x), labels = c("AOI - fh", "AOI - fl", "AOI - th", "AOI - tv", "AOI - tl", "AOI - td"), ncol = 2, nrow = 3, hjust = -0.1, vjust = 1.1, label_size = 12, label_colour = "#fdf8db") } ii <- x$hour == 12 a <- fig.AOI.grid(x[ii,], legend.position = c(0.78, .12)) ggsave("images/fig.AOI.grid_int2.png", a, width = 8, height = 6) gif_merra(x, FUN = "fig.AOI.grid", dirname = "images", fps = 5, gif.width = 1.25 * 576, gif.height = round(1.25 * 360 * 1.21), filename.prefix = "fig.AOI.grid_")
gif_file <- "images/fig.AOI.grid_720x544_5fps.gif" if (file.exists(gif_file)) include_graphics(gif_file)
x <- poa_irradiance(x, array.type = "all", keep.all = T) fig.POA.grid(x) # ggsave("images/poa_by_type.png", width = 7, height = 8.)
Fetching POA estimates from NREL's PVWatts
st_id <- merra2ools::pvwatts_stations_sample # Fetching the data from PVWAtts in select locations if (!file.exists("tmp/pvwatts_poa_db.RData")) { ll <- list() for (tp in c("fh", "fl", "th", "tv", "tl", "td")) { for (i in 1:nrow(st_id)) { x <- fetch_pvwatts( array.type = tp, lon = st_id$lon_stn[i], lat = st_id$lat_stn[i], # tilt = abs(st_id$lat[i]), # tilt = 0, azimuth = ifelse(st_id$lat_stn[i] < 0, 0, 180), radius = 100 ) cat("type = ", tp, ", i = ", i, ", lon = ", st_id$lon_stn[i], ", lat = ", st_id$lat_stn[i], ", poa: ", length(x$outputs$poa), "\n", sep = "") nm <- paste(tp, i, sep = "_") ll[[nm]] <- x if (!is.null(x$error$code)) { if (x$error$code == "OVER_RATE_LIMIT") break } } if (!is.null(x$error$code)) { if (x$error$code == "OVER_RATE_LIMIT") break } } names(ll) save(ll, st_id, file = "tmp/pvwatts_poa_full_list.RData") #'raw' data # Merging hourly POA (PVWatts) #### yday_hour <- expand.grid(hour = 1:24, yday = 1:365) %>% as_tibble() for (i in 1:length(ll)) { n <- names(ll)[i] cat(n); cat(" ") x <- sapply(ll[[i]]$outputs, unlist) x <- try( as_tibble(x[5:15]) %>% mutate( # request = i, lon_stn = ll[[i]]$station_info$lon, lat_stn = ll[[i]]$station_info$lat, lonlat = paste0("(", round(lon_stn, 2), ", ", round(lat_stn, 2), ")"), elev = ll[[i]]$station_info$elev, tz = ll[[i]]$station_info$tz, month = yday2month(yday_hour$yday), yday = as.integer(yday_hour$yday), hour = as.integer(yday_hour$hour) - 1, # lon_inp = as.numeric(ll[[i]]$inputs$lat), # lat_inp = as.numeric(ll[[i]]$inputs$lon), # module_type = as.integer(ll[[i]]$inputs$module_type), # losses = as.numeric(ll[[i]]$inputs$losses), # id = as.integer(gsub("[a-z_]", "", i)), array.type = substr(n, 1, 2), # array_type_pvwatts = ll[[i]]$inputs$array_type, tilt = as.numeric(ll[[i]]$inputs$tilt), azimuth = as.numeric(ll[[i]]$inputs$azimuth), .before = ac_annual), silent = T ) if (i == 1 || !exists("db") || is.null(db)) { db <- NULL if (all(class(x) != "try-error")) db <- x } else { if (all(class(x) != "try-error")) db <- bind_rows(db, x) } } db db %>% as.data.table() dim(db) db <- right_join(select(st_id, locid, lonlat), db) save(db, file = "tmp/pvwatts_poa_db.RData") } else { # loading pre-saved data (load("tmp/pvwatts_poa_db.RData")) } db$array.type[db$array.type == "tv"] <- "tl" # summarizing the data for comparison db_m <- db %>% group_by(lonlat, locid, month, hour, array.type) %>% summarise(poa = max(poa, na.rm = T)) %>% mutate(month = factor(month.abb[month], levels = month.abb, ordered = T), data = factor("PVWatts", levels = c("merra2ools", "PVWatts"), ordered = T)) %>% ungroup()
POA figures
# Plot POA for select (random) locations #### set.seed(0) ii <- db_m$lonlat %in% sample(unique(db_m$lonlat), 4) & db_m$month %in% c("Mar", "Jul", "Oct", "Dec"); summary(ii) ggplot(db_m[ii,]) + geom_line(aes(hour, poa, colour = array.type, linetype = array.type), size = 1) + scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1", name = "Array type") + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(linetype = 1:5))) + scale_linetype(guide = FALSE) + facet_grid(lonlat ~ month) + labs(y = "POA irradiance, Watt/m2", x = "Hour, local time") + theme_bw() ggplot(db_m[ii,]) + geom_line(aes(hour, poa, colour = month), size = 1) + scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1", name = "Month") + facet_grid(lonlat ~ array.type) + labs(y = "POA irradiance, Watt/m2", x = "Hour, local time") + theme_bw()
Getting MERRA-2 data for the same locations
merra0 <- get_merra2_subset(locid = st_id$locid, from = "2009-01-01 00", to = "2011-12-31 23") merra0
Estimating POA on MERRA-2 data
x <- merra0 %>% fPOA(keep.all = T) x <- mutate(x, month = month(UTC), month = factor(month.abb[month], levels = month.abb, ordered = T)) %>% group_by(locid, month, hour) %>% summarise( POA.fh = max(POA.fh, na.rm = T), POA.fl = max(POA.fl, na.rm = T), POA.th = max(POA.th, na.rm = T), POA.tl = max(POA.tl, na.rm = T), POA.tv = max(POA.tv, na.rm = T), POA.td = max(POA.td, na.rm = T) # SWGDN = max(SWGDN, na.rm = T) ) %>% ungroup() %>% #select(-lon, -lat) %>% left_join(select(st_id, locid, tz_stn)) %>% mutate(hour = hour_utc2tz(hour, tz_offset = tz_stn)) %>% select(-tz_stn) %>% mutate(data = factor("merra2ools", levels = c("merra2ools", "PVWatts"), ordered = T)) %>% pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("POA."), names_to = "array.type", values_to = "poa") %>% mutate(array.type = sub("POA.", "", array.type)) x db_m[,-1] if (F) { # interim check - POA figure based on MERRA-2 jj <- x$locid == sample(x$locid, 1) xx <- left_join(x[jj,], select(st_id, locid, lonlat)) ggplot(xx) + geom_line(aes(hour, poa, colour = array.type), size = 1) + # facet_grid(month~id) + facet_wrap(~month) + theme_bw() + labs(title = paste0("PVWatts station coord ", unique(xx$lonlat), ", MERRA-2 locid = ", unique(xx$locid))) }
Compare PVWatts and MERRA-2 estimates
y <- bind_rows( select(db_m, data, locid, month, hour, array.type, poa), select(x, data, locid, month, hour, array.type, poa)) %>% left_join(st_id[, c("locid", "lonlat")]) %>% add_coord() %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(locid_lonlat = paste0(locid, " (", lon, ", ", lat, ")")) %>% as.data.table() %>% select(-lon, -lat) fig.PVWatts_MERRA <- function(x, lid = NULL) { lids <- unique(x$locid) if (length(lids) > 1) { if (is.null(lid)) {lid <- sample(lids, 1)} } if (!is.null(lid)) { ii <- x$locid %in% lid } else { ii <- rep(TRUE, nrow(x)) } ggplot(x[ii,]) + geom_line(aes(hour, poa, colour = data), size = 1) + facet_grid(month ~ array.type) + theme_bw() + scale_color_viridis_d(name = "") + theme( legend.position = "bottom", legend.margin = margin(0,0,0,0), legend.box.margin = margin(-10,0,0,0), plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), "mm"), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1)) + guides(colour = guide_legend(nrow = 1)) + labs(title = paste0("PVWatts station coord ", unique(x[ii,]$lonlat), "; MERRA-2 locid = ", unique(x[ii,]$locid)), x = "Hour", y = "POA, Watt/m2, monthly maximum for every hour") } fig.PVWatts_MERRA(y) lids <- unique(y$locid) %>% sort() fld <- "images/poa_pvwatts_merra" if (!dir.exists(fld)) dir.create(fld, recursive = T) for (i in lids) { if (i == lids[1]) cat("locid: ") cat(i, "") gg <- fig.PVWatts_MERRA(y, i) fname <- paste0("poa_pvwatts_vs_merra2_locid_", formatC(i, width = 6, flag = "0"), ".png") ggsave(file.path(fld, fname), gg, width = 6, height = 8, units = "in") }
fig_file <- "images/poa_pvwatts_merra/poa_pvwatts_vs_merra2_locid_054669.png" include_graphics(fig_file)
See https://github.com/energyRt/merra2ools/tree/master/vignettes/images/poa_pvwatts_merra for comparison in other locations.
# remotes::install_bioc("EBImage") library("EBImage") fld <- "images/poa_pvwatts_merra" # imgs <- paste0("images/poa_pvwatts_merra/", sample(list.files(fld), 5)) imgs <- paste0("images/poa_pvwatts_merra/", list.files(fld)) display(readImage(imgs), method = "browser")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.