Man pages for environmentalinformatics-marburg/GSODTools
R Functions to Select, Download, and Process GSOD Data data set to object
dlGsodStationsDownload (and extract) GSOD data
eastafricaEast African Sample Data
gfGapLengthJulendat function to identify gap lengths in measurement...
gfJulendatImputation of medium-sized gaps by linear modeling using...
gfLinIntImputation of small data gaps by linear interpolation
gfNogapLengthJulendat function to identify lengths of continuous...
gfOutputDataJulendat function to convert '' to 'data.frame'
gfSsaTime-series forecasting based on singular spectrum analysis...
gsod2kiConvert GSOD data to Julendat standard format
gsodDf2SpConvert GSOD station list to spatial object
gsodPlotPlot GSOD data
gsodReformat-deprecatedReformat list of available GSOD stations
gsodstationsGlobal Summary of the Day Station List
GSODTools-deprecatedDeprecated functions in 'GSODTools'
GSODTools-packageR Functions to Select, Download, and Process GSOD Data
gzGsodStationsExtract and merge downloaded GSOD data
outlier2naRemove statistical outliers from time-series values
seasonalShiftPlot seasonal shifts in GSOD temperature data
stationFromCoordsIdentify GSOD stations in the vicinity of a given geographic...
stationFromExtentIdentify GSOD stations within spatial extent
toCelsiusConvert degree Fahrenheit to degree Celsius
tsOutliersIdentification of statistical outliers in time series
vectorHarmonicsFit harmonic trend model to time-series values
environmentalinformatics-marburg/GSODTools documentation built on Jan. 5, 2024, 12:19 a.m.