Man pages for environmentalinformatics-marburg/gpm
Geospatial predictive modeling using parameterized and unparameterized models.

classifyDataClassification of remote sensing data
cleanPredictorsClean predictor variables regarding corelation and variance
compContTestsCompute contingency tests for all model responses
compIndexFoldsCreate testing and training folds for each response variable...
compRegrTestsCompute regression tests over all model responses
compVarImpCompute variable importance over all model responses and...
createFoldsCreate testing and training folds for each response variable.
createGPMMetaCreate a meta information dataset in gpm format
createIndexFoldsCreate testing and training folds for each response variable...
deprecated_trainModelffsTrain machine learning model using forward feature selection
gpmCreate a gpm object
GPM-classAn S4 class to represent a complete gmp dataset
GPMData-classAn S4 class to represent gpm data layers
gpmInfoGet or access gpm object information used by various...
GPMLog-classAn S4 class to represent gpm log data
GPMMeta-classAn S4 class to represent gpm metadata information
GPMModel-classAn S4 class to represent gpm model layers
gpm-packageGeospatial predictive modeling using parameterized and...
helpCalcConTabCompute contingency table
helpCalcKappaCalculate various kappa coefficients
helpStandardErrorCalculate the standard error of the mean
imputeDataImpute missing data
inclCompute similarity index
lutInfoGet or access internal LUT values used by various functions
minimumOccurenceSelect features based on minimum occurence across unique...
pck_lutFunction used to create sysdata.rda (i.e. LUT)
plotClassPerformancePlot performance of a classification model
plotModelCVPlot cross-validated variable importance
plotVarImpPlot mean variable importance over all model responses
plotVarImpHeatmapPlot mean variable importance over all model responses as...
resamplingsByVariableCreate identical samples or resample by specific selector...
sampleBysample a Spatial*DataFrame by according to a factorial column
splitMultRespSplit dataset into testing and training samples individually...
splitMultRespLSOSplit dataset into testing and training samples individually...
trainModelModel training and performance using cross-validation
trainModelrfeTrain machine learning model
trainModelVarSelSDExtract cross-validated important variables
environmentalinformatics-marburg/gpm documentation built on July 11, 2020, 11:12 a.m.