
inpath <- "D:/active/juergen/"
datapath <- paste0(inpath, "data/")
datapath_gbif <- paste0(datapath, "gbif/")
datapath_rdata <- paste0(datapath, "rdata/")

load(paste0(datapath_rdata, "gibf_01_initial_input.Rdata"))

Reading GBIF data dump for the first time

Reading GBIF for the first time (code is not evalueted, but the saved file will be loaded in the end).

# Read GBIF for the first time -------------------------------------------------
# Split GBIF into chunks and load them into a data.table afterwards.
# Splitting is done because there was an error once regarding the correct column
# numbers. Only columns given by relevant_cols will be processed during the 
# final import.
infile <- paste0(datapath_gbif, "gbif_PTERIDOPHYTA.txt")
  splitLTF(infile, sep = "\t")

  infiles <- list.files(datapath_gbif, pattern = glob2rx("gbif_chunk*.txt"),
                        full.names = TRUE)
  relevant_cols <- c(1, 63, 70, 71, 72, 78, 79, 93, 100, 157, 164, 173, 182, 
                     210, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220)
  gbif <- readLTF(infiles, sep = "\t", rlvt_cols = relevant_cols)  

  for(i in seq(40)){

  gbif <- gbif[-1,]
  save(gbif, file = paste0(datapath_rdata, "gibf_01_initial_input.Rdata"))

As it turns out, everything worked fine and the gibf_01_initial_input.Rdata dataset will be used from now on.

Clean GBIF data dump

First check how many cells have been empty in the original data set.

cell_empty <- sapply(names(gbif), function(x){
  gbif[, length(which(gbif[[x]] == "cempty"))]

Let's check, how many cells have been NA values (or interpreted as such.

cell_na <- sapply(names(gbif), function(x){
  gbif[, length(which([[x]])))]

Time for a closer look on these NA's in column countryCode.

gbif[which(, 1:7, with = FALSE]

In total, 1007 rows have already NA values. We come back to that later but at this point we can be sure that e.g. gbifID 318859294 will not be interpreted as e.g. Namibia for any country code conversion we will apply later.

Let's convert "cempty" (i.e the initially empty cells) to NA.

for (i in seq_len(ncol(gbif))){
  set(gbif, i = which(gbif[[i]]== "cempty"), j = i, value = NA)
cell_na <- sapply(names(gbif), function(x){
  gbif[, length(which([[x]])))]

Worked. Only column countryCode has a differing value between the cells which used to be "cempty" and the ones which are now NA but the difference matches the 1007 rows which had alread NA's in this column.

Let's finish the initial cleaning by converting the columns to their individual class. At the moment, all columns are of class character.


Columns gbifID, decimalLatitude and decimalLongitude can be converted to numeric:

for(i in c("gbifID", "decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitude")){
  set(gbif, j = i, value = as.numeric(gbif[[i]]))
summary(gbif[, c("gbifID", "decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitude"), 
             with = FALSE])

All done. Let's store the current state of the dataset so we can come back if something happens in the next section.

save(gbif, file = paste0(datapath_rdata, "gibf_02_cleaned_input.Rdata"))

Create "geographical" subset of GBIF data dump

For the upcoming analysis, only those data lines are relevant which have at least either latitude and longitude information or a country code or county information. Let's get an overview of that stuff:

total <- nrow(gbif)

either <- gbif[, length(which(! | ! |

ctry_only <- 
  gbif[, length(which(! & & 

coord_only <- 
  gbif[, length(which( & ! & 

cnty_only <- 
  gbif[, length(which( & & 

ctry_and_coord <- 
  gbif[, length(which(! & !]

cnty_and_coord <- 
  gbif[, length(which( & ! & 

ctry_and_cnty <- 
  gbif[, length(which(! & & 

no_geoinfo <- 
  gbif[, length(which( & &
paste0("Total number of data lines:               ", total)
paste0("Country and/or county and/or coordinates: ", either)
paste0("Country only:                             ", ctry_only)
paste0("Coordinates only:                         ", coord_only)
paste0("County only:                              ", cnty_only)
paste0("Country and coordinates:                  ", ctry_and_coord)
paste0("Only county and coordinates:              ", cnty_and_coord)
paste0("Only country and county:                  ", ctry_and_cnty)
paste0("No information:                           ", no_geoinfo)

These figures are not bad. Overall, at least one minimum geographic information is available for r either of the r total lines available in the GBIF data dump which is equal to r round(either/total,2)*100%.

For r gbif[, length(which(!] (r round(gbif[, length(which(!]/total,2)*100%), geographical coordinates are availabe. Almost all of these observations (i.e. r ctry_and_coord + cnty_and_coord which equals all except r coord_only) have an additional information on either the country or county, so that cross-validation between these two kinds of information is possible.

This reminds us with a total of r ctry_only+cnty_only+ctry_and_cnty ( r round((ctry_only+cnty_only+ctry_and_cnty)/total,2)%) which can only be assigned on a county or country level (aside from the r round(no_geoinfo/total,2)*100% which can not be geocoded at all).

environmentalinformatics-marburg/speciesdist documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:55 a.m.