Man pages for epiforecasts/EpiNow
Estimate Realtime Case Counts and Time-varying Epidemiological Parameters

add_datesAdd Dates from Daata
adjust_for_truncationAdjust Case Counts for Truncation
adjust_infection_to_reportAdjust from Case Counts by Infection Date to Date of Report
clean_nowcastsClean Nowcasts for a Supplied Date
country_mapGenerate a country map for a single variable.
covid_generation_timesCovid Generation Time Estimates
covid_generation_times_summaryCovid Generation Time Estimates - Summary
covid_incubation_periodCovid Incubation Period
covid_serial_intervalsCovid Generation Serial Intervals
dist_fitFit an integer adjusted exponential or gamma distribution
dist_skelDistribution Skeleton
epi_measures_pipelineEstimate time-varying measures and forecast
estimate_doubling_timeEstimate the doubling time
estimate_little_rEstimate r
estimate_R0Estimate the time varying R0 - using EpiEstim
estimate_r_in_windowEstimate r in a set time window
estimate_time_varying_rEstimate time varying r
gamma_dist_defGenerate a Gamma Distribution Definition Based on Parameter...
generate_pseudo_linelistGenerate a sample linelist from the observed linelist and...
get_dist_defGet a Parameters that Define a Discrete Distribution
get_local_import_case_countsCombine total and imported case counts
get_regionsGet Folders with Nowcast Results
get_timeseriesGet Timeseries from EpiNow
global_mapGenerate a global map for a single variable.
growth_to_RConvert Growth Rates to Reproduction numbers.
linelist_from_case_countsSample a linelist from case counts and a reporting delay...
load_nowcast_resultLoad nowcast results
lognorm_dist_defGenerate a Log Normal Distribution Definition Based on...
make_confFormat Credible Intervals
map_prob_changeCategorise the Probability of Change for Rt
nowcast_pipelineImpute Cases Date of Infection
plot_confidencePlot a Time Series with Confidence.
plot_forecastAdd a Forecast to a Plot
plot_gridPlot a Grid of Plots
plot_pipelinePlot Pipeline Results
plot_summaryPlot a Summary of the Latest Results
pull_max_varExtract a the Maximum Value of a Variable Based on a Filter
rbinom_sizeDraw with an offset from a negative binomial distribution
regional_rt_pipelineRegional Realtime Pipeline
regional_summaryGenerate Regional Summary Output
report_casesReport case counts by date of report
report_littlerReport Rate of Growth Estimates
report_nowcastReport Case Nowcast Estimates
report_reffReport Effective Reproduction Number Estimates
report_summaryProvide Summary Statistics on an Rt Pipeline
R_to_growthConvert Reproduction Numbers to Growth Rates
rt_pipelineReal-time Pipeline
sample_approx_distApproximate Sampling a Distribution using Counts
sample_delaySample Onset Dates for Cases missing them
simulate_casesSimulate Cases by Date of Infection, Onset and Report
split_linelist_by_dayConvert a linelist into a nested 'data.table" of linelists by...
summarise_castSummarise a nowcast
summarise_resultsSummarise Realtime Results
summarise_to_csvSummarise rt and cases as a csv
theme_mapCustom Map Theme
epiforecasts/EpiNow documentation built on Oct. 26, 2020, 2:38 p.m.