c.dist_spec: Combines multiple delay distributions for further processing

View source: R/dist_spec.R

c.dist_specR Documentation

Combines multiple delay distributions for further processing


[Experimental] This combines the parameters so that they can be fed as multiple delay distributions to epinow() or estimate_infections().

Note that distributions that already are combinations of other distributions cannot be combined with other combinations of distributions.


## S3 method for class 'dist_spec'



The delay distributions to combine


Combined delay distributions (with class ⁠<dist_spec>⁠)


# A fixed lognormal distribution with mean 5 and sd 1.
dist1 <- LogNormal(
  meanlog = 1.6, sdlog = 1, max = 20
dist1 + dist1

# An uncertain gamma distribution with shape and rate normally distributed
# as Normal(3, 0.5) and Normal(2, 0.5) respectively
dist2 <- Gamma(
  shape = Normal(3, 0.5),
  rate = Normal(2, 0.5),
  max = 20
c(dist1, dist2)

epiforecasts/EpiNow2 documentation built on March 1, 2025, 1:29 a.m.