Man pages for epijim/admiral
ADaM in R Asset Library

adaeAdverse Event Analysis Dataset
adcmConcomitant Medication Analysis Dataset
addAdd Methods
adexExposure Analysis Dataset
admiral-packageadmiral: ADaM in R Asset Library
adslSubject Level Analysis Dataset
advsVital Signs Analysis Dataset
arg_nameExtract Argument Name from an Expression
assert_character_scalarIs an Argument a Character Scalar (String)?
assert_character_vectorIs an Argument a Character Vector?
assert_data_frameIs an Argument a Data Frame?
assert_filter_condIs an Argument a Filter Condition?
assert_has_variablesDoes a Dataset Contain All Required Variables?
assert_integer_scalarIs an Argument an Integer Scalar?
assert_list_elementIs an Element of a List of Lists/Classes Fulfilling a...
assert_list_ofIs an Argument a List of Objects of a Specific S3 Class?
assert_logical_scalarIs an Argument a Logical Scalar (Boolean)?
assert_numeric_vectorIs an Argument a Numeric Vector?
assert_one_to_oneIs There a One to One Mapping between Variables?
assert_order_varsIs an Argument a List of Order Variables?
assert_param_does_not_existAsserts That a Parameter Does Not Exist in the Dataset
assert_s3_classIs an Argument an Object of a Specific S3 Class?
assert_symbolIs an Argument a Symbol?
assert_unitAsserts That a Parameter is Provided in the Expected Unit
assert_valid_queriesVerify if a Dataset Has the Required Format as Queries...
assert_varsIs an Argument a List of Variables?
assert_varval_listIs an Argument a Variable-Value List?
backquoteWrap a String in Backquotes
call_derivationCall a Single Derivation Multiple Times
censor_sourceCreate a 'censor_source' Object
compute_bmiCompute Body Mass Index (BMI)
compute_bsaCompute Body Surface Area (BSA)
compute_dtfDerive the Date Imputation Flag
compute_durationDerive Duration
compute_mapCompute Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
compute_qtcCompute Corrected QT
compute_rrCompute RR Interval From Heart Rate
compute_tmfDerive the Time Imputation Flag
convert_blanks_to_naConvert Blank Strings Into NAs
convert_date_to_dtmConvert a Date into a Datetime Object
convert_dtc_to_dtConvert a Date Character Vector into a Date Object
convert_dtc_to_dtmConvert a Date Character Vector into a Datetime Object
convert_dtm_to_dtcHelper Function to Convert Date (or Date-time) Objects to...
dataset_vignetteOutput a Dataset in a Vignette in the admiral Format
default_qtc_paramcdGet Default Parameter Code for Corrected QT
derive_agegr_fdaDerive Age Groups
derive_baselineDerive Baseline
derive_derived_paramAdds a Parameter Computed from the Analysis Value of Other...
derive_disposition_dtDerive a Disposition Date
derive_disposition_reasonDerive a Disposition Reason at a Specific Timepoint
derive_disposition_statusDerive a Disposition Status at a Specific Timepoint
derive_extreme_flagAdd a Variable Flagging the First or Last Observation Within...
derive_last_doseDerive Last Dose Date(-time)
derive_obs_numberAdds a Variable Numbering the Observations Within Each By...
derive_param_bmiAdds a Parameter for BMI
derive_param_bsaAdds a Parameter for BSA (Body Surface Area) Using the...
derive_param_doseintAdds a Parameter for Dose Intensity
derive_param_exposureAdd an Aggregated Parameter and Derive the Associated Start...
derive_param_mapAdds a Parameter for Mean Arterial Pressure
derive_param_qtcAdds a Parameter for Corrected QT
derive_param_rrAdds a Parameter for Derived RR
derive_params_exposureAdd an Aggregated Parameter and Derive the Associated Start...
derive_param_tteDerive a Time-to-Event Parameter
derive_summary_recordsAdd New Records Within By Groups Using Aggregation Functions
derive_var_adyDerive Analysis Study Day
derive_var_aendyDerive Analysis End Relative Day
derive_var_agegr_fdaDerive Age Groups
derive_var_age_yearsDerive Age in Years
derive_var_anrindDerive Reference Range Indicator
derive_var_astdyDerive Analysis Start Relative Day
derive_var_atirelDerive Time Relative to Reference
derive_var_baseDerive Baseline Variables
derive_var_basecDerive BASEC Variable
derive_var_basetypeDerive BASETYPE Variable
derive_var_chgDerive Change from Baseline
derive_var_disposition_dtDerive a Disposition Date
derive_var_disposition_statusDerive a Disposition Status at a Specific Timepoint
derive_var_dthcausDerive Death Cause
derive_var_extreme_flagAdd a Variable Flagging the First or Last Observation Within...
derive_var_last_dose_amtDerive Last Dose Amount
derive_var_last_dose_dateDerive Last Dose Date-Time
derive_var_last_dose_grpDerive Last Dose with User-Defined Groupings
derive_var_lstalvdtDerive Last Known Alive Date
derive_var_obs_numberAdds a Variable Numbering the Observations Within Each By...
derive_var_ontrtflDerive On-Treatment Flag Variable
derive_var_pchgDerive Percent Change from Baseline
derive_vars_aageDerive Analysis Age
derive_vars_atcDerive ATC Class Variables
derive_vars_disposition_reasonDerive a Disposition Reason at a Specific Timepoint
derive_vars_dtDerive/Impute a Date from a Date Character Vector
derive_vars_dtmDerive/Impute a Datetime from a Date Character Vector
derive_vars_dtm_to_dtDerive Date Variables from Datetime Variables
derive_vars_dtm_to_tmDerive Time Variables from Datetime Variables
derive_vars_durationDerive Duration
derive_vars_dyDerive Relative Day Variables
derive_vars_last_doseDerive Last Dose
derive_vars_queryDerive Query Variables
derive_vars_suppqualJoin Supplementary Qualifier Variables into the Parent SDTM...
derive_vars_transposedDerive Variables by Transposing and Merging a Second Dataset
derive_var_trtdurdDerive Total Treatment Duration (Days)
derive_var_trtedtmDerive Datetime of Last Exposure to Treatment
derive_var_trtsdtmDerive Datetime of First Exposure to Treatment
derive_var_worst_flagAdds a Variable Flagging the Maximal / Minimal Value Within a...
derive_worst_flagAdds a Variable Flagging the Maximal / Minimal Value Within a...
dthcaus_sourceCreate a 'dthcaus_source' Object
enumerateEnumerate Multiple Strings
event_sourceCreate an 'event_source' Object
expect_dfs_equalExpectation: Are Two Datasets Equal?
ex_singleSingle Dose Exposure Dataset
extend_source_datasetsAdd By Groups to All Datasets if Necessary
extract_duplicate_recordsExtract Duplicate Records
extract_unitExtract Unit From Parameter Description
extract_varsExtract All Symbols from a List of Quosures
filter_date_sourcesSelect the First or Last Date from Several Sources
filter_extremeFilter the First or Last Observation for Each By Group
filter_ifOptional Filter
format_eoxxstt_defaultDefault Format for Disposition Status
format_reason_defaultDefault Format for the Disposition Reason
get_constant_varsGet Constant Variables
get_duplicates_datasetGet Duplicate Records that Lead to a Prior Error
get_many_to_one_datasetGet Many to One Values that Led to a Prior Error
get_one_to_many_datasetGet One to Many Values that Led to a Prior Error
get_source_varsGet Source Variables from a List of Quosures
grapes-notin-grapesNegated Value Matching
impute_dtcImpute Partial Date(-time) Portion of a "–DTC" Variable
is_dateIs Date/Date-time?
is_timeunitIs Time Unit?
is_valid_date_entryCheck Validity of the Date Imputation Input
is_valid_dayCheck Validity of the Day Portion in the Date Input
is_valid_hourCheck Validity of the Hour Portion in the Time Input
is_valid_monthCheck Validity of the Month Portion in the Date Input
is_valid_sec_minCheck Validity of the Minute/Second Portion of the Time Input
is_valid_time_entryCheck Validity of the Time Imputation Input
list_all_templatesList All Available ADaM Templates
lstalvdt_sourceCreate an 'lstalvdt_source' object
negate_varsNegate List of Variables
paramsCreate a Set of Parameters
print.tte_sourcePrint 'tte_source' Objects
queriesQueries Dataset
quo_cConcatenate One or More Quosure(s)
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
replace_values_by_namesReplace Quosure Value with Name
signal_duplicate_recordsSignal Duplicate Records
squoteWrap a String in Single Quotes
suppress_warningSuppress Specific Warnings
tte_sourceCreate a 'tte_source' Object
tte_source_objectsPre-Defined Time-to-Event Source Objects
use_ad_templateOpen an ADaM Template Script
vars2chrTurn a List of Quosures into a Character Vector
warn_if_inconsistent_listWarn If Two Lists are Inconsistent
warn_if_invalid_dtcWarn If a Vector Contains Unknown Datetime Format
warn_if_vars_existWarn If a Variable Already Exists
what_is_itWhat Kind of Object is This?
epijim/admiral documentation built on Feb. 13, 2022, 12:15 a.m.