Man pages for epistemic-analytics/ncodeR
Techniques for Automated Classifiers
autocodeMatch a list of expressions against some set of excerpts
code.setCreate CodeSet
create.codeCreate a code
differencesFind Differences
getHandSetIndicesHandset indices
handcodeHandcode excerpts
ncodeWrapper for the entire coding process
ncodeRncodeR for qualitative coding
print.summary.CodePrint a Code summary
print.summary.CodeSetPrint the summary of a CodeSet
print.summary.TestPrint a Test summary
print.summary.TestListPrint a TestList summary
resolveResolve differences
RS.dataRescushell Chat Data
summary.CodeObtain summary of a Code object
summary.CodeSetObtain a summary of the CodeSet
summary.TestObtain a summary of a Code's test results
summary.TestListObtain a summary of a Code's test results
testCalculate statistics
epistemic-analytics/ncodeR documentation built on June 15, 2019, 12:03 a.m.