mrf_penalty.sf: MRF penalty from polygon or multi-polygon simple features

mrf_penalty.sfR Documentation

MRF penalty from polygon or multi-polygon simple features


MRF penalty from polygon or multi-polygon simple features


## S3 method for class 'sf'
mrf_penalty(object, node_labels = NULL, buffer = NULL, add_delta = FALSE, ...)



an R object to create the MRF penalty from.


character; a vector of alternative labels for the levels of the factor.


numeric; buffer distance for all or for individual elements of the geometry. See argument dist in sf::st_buffer for details.


numeric or logical; either the numeric value to add to the diagonal of the MRF penalty matrix, or a logical value indicating if such an adjustment should be made. The default is to not alter the diagonal of the penalty matrix.


arguments passed to other methods.

eric-pedersen/MRFtools documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 2:13 a.m.