Man pages for ericbarefoot/paleohydror
A package for implementing published routines in paleohydrologic reconstruction.

ancient_1Estimating sediment flux in ancient rivers.
azStringConvertAzimuth conversion for 'quadrant' based strike/trend...
bedform_bedloadBedform-bedload equation
bedform_velocityBedform velocity relation
dune_heightDune height from cosets relation
H2hPaleo-depth calculation from dune height
height_lengthBedform length to height relation
lynds_oneSimple method to calculate paleoslope from preserved...
lynds_threeSlackwater/suspension method to calculate paleoslope from...
lynds_twoVariable Shields number method to calculate paleoslope from...
modern_1Estimating sediment flux in modern rivers if bedform height...
modern_2Estimating sediment flux in modern rivers if bedform height...
paleohydrorpaleohydror: A package for implementing published routines in...
paleo_slopePaleoslope relation
settleCalculate settling velocity for a particle.
trampush_slpGlobal empirical relation method for paleoslope inversion
xset2depthSimplePaleo-depth calculation from cross-set thicknesses
xset2HDune height calculation from cross-set thicknesses
ericbarefoot/paleohydror documentation built on May 3, 2019, 8:37 p.m.