Man pages for ericgoolsby/phylocurve
Phylogenetic Comparative Methods for High-Dimensional Traits

compare.modelsCompare evolutionary hypotheses
evo.modelFit an evolutionary model Fast covariance-based implementations of... Fast covariance-based implementations of...
fast.geomorph.phylo.integrationDEPRECATED: Fast covariance-based implementations of...
fast.geomorph.physignalDEPRECATED: Fast covariance-based implementations of...
fast.geomorph.procD.pglsDEPRECATED: Fast covariance-based implementations of...
get.aligned.function.dataEstimate aligned data for function-valued traits
get.tip.coefficientsEstimate regression coefficients for tip species curves
GP.fitFit Gaussian process curves to species data
K.multTest phylogenetic signal (Kmult) using phylogenetic...
multipicEfficient PIC algorithm for multiple traits
nonlinear.fitFit nonlinear curves to species data
paint.edgesPaint tree edges based on species regimes
phylocurveAncestral curve reconstruction for logistic regression (glm...
phylocurve.generalizedAlign curves of any shape
phylocurve-packagePhylogenetic Comparative Methods for Function-Valued and...
phylocurve.trimTrim aligned curves
polynomial.fitFit polynomial curves to species data using stepwise...
prep_multipicPrep multipic
print.evo.modelPrint evo.model
sim.curvesSimulate function-valued curve evolution
sim.traitsSimulate multivariate trait evolution
ultraFastAncUltra-fast maximum likelihood ancestral state reconstruction
ericgoolsby/phylocurve documentation built on April 28, 2021, 10:23 p.m.