Man pages for erichare/shoeprintr
Performs an automated statistical matching of two shoeprints

auc_eer_opt.t_generationCalculate AUC, EER, optimal threshold for ROC curves
boosted_cliqueFunction to perform boosted clique on two input circles
centercircle_matchMatches a center circle input and a reference shoeprint
edge_fix_circle_matMatch input and reference with given circle information in...
eer.ROCCalculate EER
focus_data2Cut x and y coordinate points less than 1 focus_data2(data)...
gg_circleAdding the circlular area
initial_circleFind the initial circle position by quantile of x and y...
initial_circle2Find three circles
input_exampleAn example of an input shoeprint
int_inside_centerDetecting points within the circle
leftcorner_centAdjust it to (0,0) in the left lower corner
match_printMatches an input and a reference shoeprint
match_print_subareaMatch input and reference with given circle information in...
multiplotDraw multiple plots
reference_exampleAn example of a reference shoeprint
rev_RReverse right side shoe to look like left side shoe
ROC.data_colCalculate sensitivity and specificity at different threshold...
simple_aucCalculate AUC
smart_sampleImplementation of a smart sampling algorithm
start_plotStarting plot to position three local areas of shoe Q
step0_plotFirst plot before starting matching to confirm the circle...
step0_Q_K_plotDraw plot of two shoe impressions with each designated...
summarize_list_matchSummarize MC-COMP macthing across three circles
erichare/shoeprintr documentation built on May 3, 2024, 6:45 a.m.