Man pages for erikpal/bRush
R Canvas Instructure API Client

bRushVerboseVerbose console output
checkErrorsCheck for Errors
createAdminCreate a content migration.
createAssignmentCreate a new assignment
createContentExportCreate a content export
createConversationCreate a new conversation
createDiscussionTopicCreate a new discussion
createFileUpload a course file
createGradebookColumnCreate a custom grade book column
createMigrationCreate a content migration.
createOutcomeCreate a new outcome in an outcome group
createOutcomeGroupCreate a new outcome group
createPageCreate a new wiki page
createSectionCreate a new section
deleteEnrollmentDelete or inactivate an enrollment
editAssignmentEdit an assignment
editDiscussionTopicEdit a discussion topic
editGradebookColumnDataCreate/edit a custom grade book column data entry for user in...
editPageEdit a new wiki page
enrollUserEnroll a user in a section or course
getAccountsGet Accounts
getAccountUsersGet Users from an Account
getAdminsGet a list of admins for an account
getAnalyticsGet account or course analytics
getAssignmentGet the a single assignment
getAssignmentsGet assignments from a course
getContentExportShow a single content export
getContentExportsList content exports
getCourseGet a single course
getCourseAuditGet a course audit object
getCoursesGet courses from an account
getCourseUsersGet users from a course
getDiscussionEntriesGet discussions topic entries from a course
getDiscussionTopicGet a single discussions topic from a course
getDiscussionTopicsGet discussions topics from a course
getDomainsGet Canvas Domains
getEnrollmentsGet enrollments for an section, course, or user
getExternalToolsGet a list of external tools used ina course
getFilesGet files
getFoldersGet folders
getGradebookColumnDataGet custom grade book column data for a course
getGradebookColumnsGet custom gradebook columns from a course
getMigrationsList migrations
getMigratorsList migrators
getMyCoursesGet self courses
getOutcomeShow the details of an outcome
getOutcomeGroupShow the specified outcome group
getOutcomeGroupsGet outcome groups for a context
getOutcomeLinksGet all outcome links for a context
getOutcomeResultsGet the results of the outcomes for the students
getOutcomesShow the outcomes for the outcomes group
getOutcomeStudentGet aligned assignments for an outcome in a course for a...
getPageGet a specific page
getPagesGet pages of a course
getQuizSubmissionsGet submissions for a quiz
getQuizzesGet quizzes from a course
getReportIndexGet list of an index of reports available by report type
getReportsGet list of available reports
getReportStatusGet status of a specific report by ID
getRolesGet a account roles
getRubricGet a single rubric from an account or course
getRubricsGet a list of rubrics from an account or course
getSectionGet info on a specific section
getSectionsGet sections from a course
getSubaccountsGet Sub-accounts
getSubmissionGet submission for an assignment
getSubmissionsGet submissions for an assignment
getTermsGet Terms
getUserGet details of a specific user
getUserCoursesGet courses for a user
getUserPageViewsGet details of a specific user
getUserProfileGet profile of a specific user
loadTokenLoad API Token
loadURLLoad Server URL
makeSisIDsMake SIS ID Vector
paginationLinksExtract Pagination Links
processRequestGet Multipage Results
resetCourseReset a course
startReportStart an account report
erikpal/bRush documentation built on May 9, 2023, 8:27 p.m.