Man pages for erikpeter/fbroc
Fast Algorithms to Bootstrap Receiver Operating Characteristics Curves

boot.paired.rocBootstrap paired ROC curves
boot.rocBootstrap ROC curve bootstrapped TPR/FPR at thresholds matrix into TPR at...
confGeneric S3 function to calculate confidence regions for ROC...
conf.fbroc.paired.rocGenerates confidence intervals for the difference in TPR...
conf.fbroc.rocGenerates confidence intervals for the TPR for a range of...
extract.rocExtracts one from two paired ROC curves from a...
fbrocfbroc: A package for fast bootstrap analysis and comparison...
perfGeneric S3 function to calculate performance estimates for...
perf.fbroc.paired.rocCalculate performance for paired bootstrapped ROC curves
perf.fbroc.rocCalculate performance for bootstrapped ROC curve
plot.fbroc.confPlots function for object of classfbroc.conf
plot.fbroc.conf.pairedPlots function for object of class 'fbroc.conf.paired'
plot.fbroc.paired.rocPlots a 'fbroc.paired.roc' object
plot.fbroc.perfPlots ROC based performance metric as histogram
plot.fbroc.perf.pairedPlots the difference between the bootstrapped performance...
plot.fbroc.rocPlots a 'fbroc.roc' object
print.fbroc.perfPrints information about a 'fbroc.perf' object
print.fbroc.perf.pairedPrints information about a 'fbroc.perf.paired' object
print.fbroc.rocPrints information about a 'fbroc.roc' object
roc.examplesExamples of predictions for ROC curve construction
erikpeter/fbroc documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:42 a.m.