
28 May, 2020

The goal of CohoBroodstock is to put a bunch of useful functions into one place to expedite Libby’s coho broodstock management work.


If you don’t already have the remotes package, then do:


You also have to get the related package installed from R-forge before you can install CohoBroodstock. That requires some gfortran compilation.

On Mac OSX, as of 2020-05-26 the installation procedure for CohoBroodstock goes like this:

  1. Download and install the clang-7.0.0.pkg from
  2. Download and install the gfortran-6.1.pkg from
  3. The gfortran compiler does not get the gfortran executable properly into the PATH variable. So, once gfortran is installed, you have to put it in your PATH. One easy way to do that, if /usr/local/bin is already in your path, is:
ln -s /usr/local/gfortran/bin/gfortran /usr/local/bin
  1. Install the related package like this:
install.packages("related", repos="")
  1. Finally, install CohoBroodstock from GitHub:

Preparing Spawning matrices

This is set up now to use the related package to compute the Rxy’s. Input is a typical two-column format:

The steps are:

  1. first, make sure to load the package (and you might as well load the tidyverse too…)

    r library(tidyverse) library(CohoBroodstock)

  2. read in the file and compute Rxy with computeRxy()

    ``` r

    get path to the example genotype file

    (typically you would pass it the path to your own file)

    geno_file <- system.file("extdata", "WSH_W1718_v5_two_column_data.txt.gz", package = "CohoBroodstock")

    compute rxy. This returns a tibble

    rxy <- computeRxy(geno_file)

    > user system elapsed

    > 9.804 0.398 10.334


    > Reading output files into data.frames... Done!


  3. prepare the spawning matrix from the ouput of the last command using spawning_matrix(). Like this:

    r spawning_matrix(Rxy_tidy = rxy)

This creates, by default, two files named spawn_matrix.csv and spawn_matrix_full.csv in the current working directory.

Actual vs Optimal vs Random Relatedness

Here is how it goes. We will show it from the genotype stage.

geno_path <- system.file("extdata/IGH_W1819_geno_aor.txt", package = "CohoBroodstock")

rxys <- computeRxy(geno_path)
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   1.556   0.218   1.791 
#> Reading output files into data.frames... Done!

Here is what the first few rows of that look like

rxys[1:10, ]
#> # A tibble: 10 x 3
#>    ind1  ind2   quellergt
#>    <chr> <chr>      <dbl>
#>  1 F_01F F_02F     0.013 
#>  2 F_01F F_04F    -0.0304
#>  3 F_01F F_05F     0.574 
#>  4 F_01F F_07FN   -0.0806
#>  5 F_01F F_08F    -0.0249
#>  6 F_01F F_10F     0.0266
#>  7 F_01F F_11F     0.183 
#>  8 F_01F F_12F     0.0612
#>  9 F_01F F_13F    -0.0127
#> 10 F_01F F_15F    -0.181

Then we need to read in the actual spawn pairs. This should be two columns: the first one named Female and then Male:

pairs_file <- system.file("extdata/IGH--W1819--actual_spawn_pairs.csv", package = "CohoBroodstock")
actual_pairs <- read_csv(pairs_file)

This looks like this:

actual_pairs[1:10, ]
#> # A tibble: 10 x 2
#>    Female Male  
#>    <chr>  <chr> 
#>  1 F_01F  M_17M 
#>  2 F_01F  M_29MJ
#>  3 F_02F  M_38MJ
#>  4 F_02F  M_39M 
#>  5 F_04F  M_10MN
#>  6 F_04F  M_11M 
#>  7 F_05F  M_10MN
#>  8 F_05F  M_12M 
#>  9 F_08F  M_23MJ
#> 10 F_08F  M_28M

Now, in order to use the function aor_pairs() we need to format the rxys tibble a little bit. We need to only keep the individuals starting with “F” and those starting with “M”, we need to keep only comparisons between males and females, and we need to name the columns “Female”, “Male”, and “rxy”. We do that with the clean_computeRxy_output() function.

rxy_clean <- clean_computeRxy_output(rxys)

The result looks like this:

#> # A tibble: 10 x 3
#>    Female Male        rxy
#>    <chr>  <chr>     <dbl>
#>  1 F_01F  M_01M   -0.173 
#>  2 F_01F  M_02M    0.544 
#>  3 F_01F  M_04MJ  -0.168 
#>  4 F_01F  M_05MJ  -0.058 
#>  5 F_01F  M_06M    0.0978
#>  6 F_01F  M_07M    0.357 
#>  7 F_01F  M_08MJ  -0.0333
#>  8 F_01F  M_09M    0.139 
#>  9 F_01F  M_100M  -0.196 
#> 10 F_01F  M_101MJ -0.0522

Before we feed these values int aor_pairs we have to remove Female F_7FN in actual_pairs because it is named incorrectly (I think: there is an F_07FN in the rxys file. aor_pairs barks an error about that.)

actual_pairs_corrected <- actual_pairs %>%
  filter(Female != "F_7FN")

Then we feed the actual values and all the values into the aor_pairs function.

set.seed(10)  # set a random number seed for reproducibility
AOR <- aor_pairs(actual_pairs_corrected, rxy_clean)

# have a look at it:
#> # A tibble: 333 x 5
#>    Female Male   `Spawn Pairs`   idx     rxy
#>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>         <int>   <dbl>
#>  1 F_01F  M_17M  Actual            1 -0.021 
#>  2 F_01F  M_29MJ Actual            2 -0.164 
#>  3 F_01F  M_12M  Optimal           1 -0.281 
#>  4 F_01F  M_53MJ Optimal           2 -0.403 
#>  5 F_01F  M_41M  Random            1 -0.0333
#>  6 F_01F  M_18M  Random            2  0.468 
#>  7 F_02F  M_38MJ Actual            1 -0.192 
#>  8 F_02F  M_39M  Actual            2 -0.176 
#>  9 F_02F  M_73MJ Optimal           1 -0.260 
#> 10 F_02F  M_97MJ Optimal           2 -0.266 
#> # … with 323 more rows

Then plot those values in a histogram:

cols <- c(Actual = "gold", Optimal = "limegreen", Random = "steelblue1")
ggplot(AOR, aes(x =  rxy, fill = `Spawn Pairs`)) +
  geom_histogram(position = "dodge", alpha = 0.75, binwidth = 0.03, color = "black", size = 0.2) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = cols)

eriqande/CohoBroodstock documentation built on June 2, 2020, 3:09 a.m.