Man pages for eriqande/HatcheryPedAgree

base_plotplot to compare snppit runs
coho_genotypesGenotypes of 1984 coho salmon over seven years
coho_metadataSex, year, and spawner group of 1984 coho salmon over seven...
compile_pedigree_sex_issuesCompile the connected components of parent pairs with sex...
count_discrepanciesfrom pairs of duplicately genotyped samples, prepare a report...
find_matching_samplesFind matching samples to a single representative
genos2rubiasconvert long format genotypes to rubias format
partition_two_snppit_resultsPartition the results of two SNPPIT runs by comparisons of...
prepare_snppit_infileprepare long-format genotypes for snppit
prep_to_compare_snppit_runsPrepare SNPPIT runs to compare them
reformat_no_sex_or_date_resultsAfter slurping in a SNPPIT run done without sex or date...
reorganize_matching_samplesRelabel matching genotypes to a single ID and reorganize...
run_snppitprepare data for SNPPIT and run it
slurp_snppitRead the output from snppit into a format useful for...
eriqande/HatcheryPedAgree documentation built on Sept. 21, 2023, 7:24 p.m.