Man pages for eriqande/rrhw
For processing homeworks in my reproducible research course

answer_list_to_data_frameconvert a list like that assigned from submit_answer to a...
checkout_hw_branchcheckout a branch named rrhw-tmp from info in a row of a data...
collate_hw_answerscollate answers given in a bunch of pull requests
git_pulls_show_to_dfParse the "git-pulls show" output and return a row of a data...
git_pulls_to_dfsimple function to parse the git-pulls output
grab_open_pull_requestsget all the open pull requests for a branch matching a given...
init_homeworkset variables and knitr hooks for dealing with homeworks
prj_dir_containingfind directory level which has the file top_file
pull_requestsreturn a data frame of pull requests on the repository
rrhw-packageWhat the package does (short line) ~~ package title ~~
submit_answerworkhorse function that processes homeworks
eriqande/rrhw documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:47 a.m.