Man pages for erossiter/catSurv
Computerized Adaptive Testing for Survey Research

agree_catAgreeableness Cat Object
CatComputerized Adaptive Testing Survey (catSurv) Object
checkStopRulesCheck if Stop and/or Override Rules are Met
consc_catConscientiousness Cat Object
d1LLThe First Derivative of the Log-Likelihood
d2LLThe Second Derivative of the Log-Likelihood
empathy_catEmpathizing Quotient Cat Object
estimateSEStandard Error of Ability Parameter Estimate
estimateThetaEstimate of the Respondent's Ability Parameter
estimateThetasEstimates of Ability Parameters for a Dataset of Response...
expectedKLExpected Kullback-Leibler Information
expectedObsInfExpected Observed Information
expectedPVExpected Posterior Variance
ex_qualtrics_resultsExample Qualtrics Data for Adaptive Inventory
ex_qualtrics_results_multipleExample Qualtrics Data for Multiple Adaptive Inventories
extra_catExtraversion Cat Object
fisherInfFisher's Information
fisherTestInfoFisher's Test Information
fromJSONCatConvert JSON object to Cat object
gettersMethods for Accessing 'Cat' Object Slots
gpcm_catgpcm Cat Object
gpcmCatComputerized Adaptive Testing Generalized Partial Credit...
grm_catgrm Cat Object
grmCatComputerized Adaptive Testing Graded Response Model
likelihoodLikelihood of the Specified Response Set
likelihoodKLExpected Kullback-Leibler Information, Weighted by Likelihood
lookAheadLook Ahead to Select Next Item
ltm_catltm Cat Object
ltmCatComputerized Adaptive Testing Latent Trait Model
mach_catMachiavellianism Personality Cat Object
makeTreeMake Tree of Possible Question Combinations
neuro_catNeuroticism Cat Object
nfa_catNeed for Affect Cat Object
nfcNeed For Cognition
nfc_catNeed for Cognition Cat Object
npiNarcissistic Personality Inventory
npi_batteryNarcissistic personality inventory question items
npi_catNarcissistic Personality Cat Object
nteNeed to Evaluate
nte_catNeed to Evaluate Cat Object
obsInfObserved Information
open_catOpenness to Experience Cat Object
oracleFind Answer Profile that Minimizes Bias
plot.CatPlotting function for Cat object
polknowMTMTurk Political Knowledge
polknowOrderedTAPS Political Knowledge (Ordered Response Options)
polknowTAPSTAPS Political Knowledge
posteriorKLExpected Kullback-Leibler Information, Weighted by the Prior
priorEvaluate the Prior Density Distribution at Position theta
probabilityProbability of Responses to a Question Item or the...
processAJAXQualtrics AJAX Handler
readQualtricsClean adaptive inventory responses from Qualtrics
rwa_catRight Wing Authoritarianism Cat Object
sdo_catSocial Dominance Orientation Cat Object
selectItemSelect Next Item
settersMethods for Setting Value(s) to 'Cat' Object Slots
simulateFisherInfoCalculates Fisher Information under different adaptive...
simulateRespondentsSimulate answer profiles given some true value of theta
simulateThetasEstimates theta under different adaptive battery...
storeAnswerUpdate Answer to Single Item
sv_conservation_catConservation (Schwartz Values) Cat Object
sv_open_catOpenness to Change (Schwartz Values) Cat Object
sv_selfenhance_catSelf-Enhancement (Schwartz Values) Cat Object
sv_selftransc_catSelf-Transcendence (Schwartz Values) Cat Object
systemizing_catSystemizing Quotient Cat Object
toJSONCatConvert Cat object to JSON
tpm_cattpm Cat Object
tpmCatComputerized Adaptive Testing Birnbaum's Three Parameter...
erossiter/catSurv documentation built on Dec. 11, 2022, 6:36 p.m.