Man pages for erzk/fnirsr
Package for analysing funtional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data

detrend_ETG4000_dataDetrend the ETG-4000 data.
epoch_ETG4000Epoch the ETG-4000 data
epoch_ETG4000_averageAverage the epoched ETG-4000 data
grand_average_ETG4000Create a grand average of the ETG-4000 data
hitachi_to_nirsLoad the data from a nirs file
load_ETG4000_dataLoad the ETG-4000 data
load_ETG4000_headerLoad the ETG-4000 data
load_nirs_dataLoad the data from a nirs file
plot_ETG4000Plot the raw signal
plot_nirsPlot the data extracted from a nirs file
remove_channels_ETG4000Remove channels from the ETG-4000 data
remove_triggersRemove triggers from the ETG-4000 data
erzk/fnirsr documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:50 a.m.