Man pages for esander91/PredictImportance
Generate Networks, Simulate Abundance Data, and Analyze Importance Correlates

braycurtisCalculate Bray-Curtis similarity and Jaccard distance between...
BuildCascadeBuild a Cascade Model Network
BuildMPNBuild a Minimum Potential Niche Model Network
BuildNicheBuild a Niche Model Network
caricaieThe food web of the marsh at Grande Caricaie at Lake...
discreteLVSimulate a discrete-time Lotka-Volterra time series
flensburgThe food web of Flensburg Fjord in the Baltic Sea, between...
GetCentralitiesCalculate network metrics for a food web
getTLCalculate prey-averaged trophic levels
hasTrailingSlashUtility functions for handling path and file names
loadEmpiricalScriptParameterize empirical networks, run models, and plot results...
loadModelScriptGenerate simulated networks, run models, and plot results as...
LognormalParamParameterize a Lotka-Volterra system given an adjacency...
MeanSigmaResidualsRegress log(Sigma) on log(Mean) and Calculate Residuals
normalizeMNormalize matrix columns
OneRunSimulate Lotka-Volterra population dynamics and get summary...
otagoThe food web of the intertidal mudflat in Otago Harbour, New...
predictimportancepredictimportance: a package containing code and data...
reefThe food web for the Caribbean reef on the American Virgin...
runScriptsRun all analyses for a food web model or network Run all data...
serengetiThe terrestrial food web of the Serengeti grassland in...
Step1_Empirical_ParameterizationStep 1: Generate and/or parameterize Lotka-Volterra...
Step1_Generate_NetworksStep 1: Generate and parameterize Food Web Model...
Step2_Discrete_LVStep 2: Simulate dynamics using discrete-time Lotka-Volterra
Step3_Hierarchical_ModelStep 3: Analyze data using a hierarchical model
stmarksThe food web for the seagrass community at Goose Creek By in...
StoufferZTransformCalculates a combined p-value using the weighted Z-method
syltThe food web for the North Sea Sylt tidal basin between...
tatooshFood web for the mussel bed at the Tatoosh intertidal in...
ythanThe food web for Ythan Estuary in Scotland.
esander91/PredictImportance documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:51 a.m.