Man pages for ethanyxu/ADPclust
Fast Clustering Using Adaptive Density Peak Detection

ADPclustFast Clustering Using Adaptive Density Peak Detection
AMISEAMISE bandwidth
clust101000 5-dimensional data points that form ten clusters
clust390 2-dimensional data points that form three clusters
clust5500 5-dimensional data points that form five clusters
clust5.1500 5-dimensional data points that form five clusters
dat_gene243-dimensional gene expression data of 38 patients (243...
defColDefault colors
FindCentersAutoDAutomatically finds centers with diagonal f(x) vs delta(x)...
FindCentersAutoVAutomatically find centers with vertical threshold
FindClustersAutoAutomatically find cluster assignment given f and delta.
FindClustersGivenCentersFind cluster assignments given centers and distance matrix
FindClustersManualUser-interactive routine to find clusters
FindDistmFind the distance matrix from data.
findFdFind f and delta from distance matrix.
FindHFind bandwidth h.
plot.adpclustVisualize the result of adpclust()
ROTCalculate ROT bandwidth
summary.adpclustSummary of adpclust
ethanyxu/ADPclust documentation built on June 3, 2022, 12:38 p.m.