
devtools 1.10.0

New features

Package installation

Bug fixes and minor improvements

devtools 1.9.1

devtools 1.8.0


Package installation and info

Git and github

Bug fixes and minor improvements

devtools 1.7.0

Improve reverse dependency checking

Devtools now supports a new and improved style of revdep checking with use_revdep(). This creates a new directory called revdep which contains a check.R template. Run this template to check all reverse dependencies, and save summarised results to check/ You can then check this file into git, making it much easier to track how reverse dependency results change between versions. The documentation for revdep_check() is much improved, and should be more useful (#635)

I recommend that you specify a library to use when checking with options("devtools.revdep.libpath"). (This should be a directory that already exists). This should be difference from your default library to keep the revdep environment isolated from your development environment.

I've also tweaked the output of revdep_maintainers() so it's easier to copy and paste into an email (#634). This makes life a little easier pre-release.

New helpers

Minor improvements

Bug fixes

devtools 1.6.1

devtools 1.6

Tool templates and create()

The release process

Package installation

Other minor improvements and bug fixes

Removed functionality

devtools 1.5

Four new functions make it easier to add useful infrastructure to packages:

Two dependencies were incremented:

Minor improvements

Bug fixes

devtools 1.4.1

devtools 1.4

Installation improvements

Other minor improvements

devtools 1.3

Changes to best practices

New features

Minor improvements and bug fixes

devtools 1.2

Better installation

Clean sessions

New features

Minor improvements

devtools 1.1

devtools 1.0

Improvements to package loading


Minor features

Bug fixes

devtools 0.8.0

New features

Package paths


Bug fixes


devtools 0.7.1

devtools 0.7



Other new features

Bug fixes

devtools 0.6

New features


Better windows behaviour

Bug fixes

devtools 0.5.1

devtools 0.5

New functions

Improvements and bug fixes

devtools 0.4

New functions

Improvements and bug fixes

devtools 0.3

devtools 0.2

devtools 0.1

etsakl/DasyMapR documentation built on May 16, 2019, 9:07 a.m.