gilmer: Obtain the Gilmer-Feldt reliability coefficient

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Obtain the Gilmer-Feldt reliability coefficient


It is a unidimensional reliability coefficient based on a congeneric model. The congeneric model is a model that allows the length, discrimination, or importance of items to be different, and is the least restrictive model among the models derived from the classical test theory. The Gilmer-Feldt coefficient has the advantage of being less computational than congeneric reliability (Joreskog 1971) which uses confirmatory factor analysis.However, the Gilmer-Feldt coefficient derives a value very close to congeneric reliability (Cho in press). Feldt and Charter (2003) offers a user-friendly review of the Gilmer-Feldt coefficient.





A dataframe or a matrix (unidimensional)


The Gilmer-Fedlt coefficient


Cho, E. (in press). Neither Cronbach's alpha nor McDonald's omega: A comment on Sijtsma and Pfadt. Psychometrika.

Feldt, L. S., & Charter, R. A. (2003). Estimation of internal consistency reliability when test parts vary in effective length. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 36(1), 23-27

Gilmer, J. S., & Feldt, L. S. (1983). Reliability estimation for a test with parts of unknown lengths. Psychometrika, 48(1), 99–111.

Jöreskog, K. G. (1971). Statistical analysis of sets of congeneric tests. Psychometrika, 36(2), 109–133.



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