Man pages for eusebe/biostat2
biostat, mais 2

addAlertAdd a new paragraph with a Alert style
addCodeAdd a new paragraph with a Code style
addCommentAdd a new paragraph with a Comment style
addCrossTableadd a table made by the cross function into a ReporteRs...
addEnumerateAdd a list of numerated items
addItemizeAdd a list of items
add_label-setadd a label (description) to an object (can be the column of...
addNormalAdd a new paragraph with a Normal style
addPlotlegendAdd a new paragraph with a Plotlegend style
addTablegendAdd a new paragraph with a Tablegend style
addVerbatimAdd a new paragraph with a Verbatim style
body_add_alertAdd a new paragraph with a Alert style
body_add_commentAdd a new paragraph with a Comment style
body_add_crosstableadd a table made by the cross function into a officer...
body_add_enumerateAdd a list of numerated items
body_add_flextable_autofitadd a table into an rdocx object, with autofiting of width
body_add_img_autofitadd an image into an rdocx object, with autofiting of width...
body_add_itemizeAdd a list of items
body_add_normalAdd a new paragraph with a Normal style
body_add_plotlegendAdd a new paragraph with a figurereference style
body_add_plotrefAdd a new paragraph with a figurereference2 style
body_add_tablegendAdd a new paragraph with a tablereference style
body_add_tablerefAdd a new paragraph with a tablereference2 style
body_add_titleAdd a title
body_add_verbatimAdd a new paragraph with a Verbatim style
cbind.listCbind for list
check_formulaCheck if a variable is repeated several times in a formula
compactCompact the result of cross function
correlationCompute correlation correlation (data.frame input)
create.officerCreate a docx object with a specific template and...
create.reportCreate a docx object with a specific template and...
crossDescribe everything
cross_allCross all x with all y
cross_listCross variables in a list
cross_oneCross one x and one y
display.testDisplay a test result
effect.diff.mean.autoEffect measure for association between one continuous and one...
effect.diff.mean.bootEffect measure for association between one continuous and one...
effect.diff.mean.studentEffect measure for association between one continuous and one...
effect.diff.medianEffect measure for association between one continuous and one... measure for association between two factors measure for association between two factors measure for association between two factors measure for association between two factors measure for association between two factors measure for association between two factors
effect.survival.coxphEffect measure for association between one consored variable...
elementsReturn elements in cbind, or x
expand_formulaExpand ... in a formula
factoryCreate functions that capture their values, errors, and...
flexcrosstable-flextableCreate a flextable object from a table made by the cross...
FlexCrossTable-ReporteRsCreate a FlexTable object from a table made by the cross...
freqCompute frequencies frequencies (data.frame input)
funs2funConcatenate functions
get_labelget a label (description) to an object (can be the column of...
left_rightSeparate left and right part of a formula
mapvaluesExtrated from the plyr package to no more depend on it. Sorry...
MaxReturn the max (and have formals)
mediqrReturn median and IQR
MinReturn the min (and have formals)
minmaxReturn min and max
moystdReturn mean and sd
myfisher.testA fisher test robust to exceeded memory
mysummarySummarize a numeric vector
nReturn the number of non NA observations
naReturn the number of NA observations
nnaReturn n and na
parse_dataParse data
parse_formulaParse a formula
plimformat p values
rbind_crosstableRbind for crosstables
rbind.listRbind for list
regroupRegroup factors with factors, and numerical variables with...
remove_blankRemove blank in a formula
simple.tableCreate a FlexTable object with a very simple style
summarizeCompute summary statistics
summarize.byCompute summary statistics according to a factor summary statistics (data.frame input) summary statistics according to a factor (data.frame...
survivalCompute survival survival (data.frame input) survival according to a factor (data.frame input)
tabularCompute a contingency table a contingency table (data.frame input)
test.summarize.autotest for mean comparison (old version) for mean comparison (old version)
test.summarize.kruskaltest for mean comparison
test.summarize.oneway.equalvartest for mean comparison
test.summarize.oneway.unequalvartest for mean comparison
test.survival.logranktest for survival comparison
test.tabular.autotest for contingency table
test.tabular.chisqtest for contingency table
test.tabular.fishertest for contingency table
theme_cabaneApply the cabane theme (blue header)
trimRemove blancks at the begining and the end
eusebe/biostat2 documentation built on Dec. 27, 2019, 4:22 p.m.