#' Retrieve a data frame of AUC scores
#' The \code{auc} function takes an \code{S3} object generated by
#' \code{\link{evalmod}} and retrieves a data frame with the Area Under
#' the Curve (AUC) scores of ROC and Precision-Recall curves.
#' @param curves An \code{S3} object generated by \code{\link{evalmod}}.
#' The \code{auc} function accepts the following S3 objects.
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' \strong{\code{S3} object}
#' \tab \strong{# of models}
#' \tab \strong{# of test datasets} \cr
#' sscurves \tab single \tab single \cr
#' mscurves \tab multiple \tab single \cr
#' smcurves \tab single \tab multiple \cr
#' mmcurves \tab multiple \tab multiple
#' }
#' See the \strong{Value} section of \code{\link{evalmod}} for more details.
#' @return The \code{auc} function returns a data frame with AUC scores.
#' @seealso \code{\link{evalmod}} for generating \code{S3} objects with
#' performance evaluation measures. \code{\link{pauc}} for retrieving
#' a dataset of pAUCs.
#' @examples
#' ##################################################
#' ### Single model & single test dataset
#' ###
#' ## Load a dataset with 10 positives and 10 negatives
#' data(P10N10)
#' ## Generate an sscurve object that contains ROC and Precision-Recall curves
#' sscurves <- evalmod(scores = P10N10$scores, labels = P10N10$labels)
#' ## Shows AUCs
#' auc(sscurves)
#' ##################################################
#' ### Multiple models & single test dataset
#' ###
#' ## Create sample datasets with 100 positives and 100 negatives
#' samps <- create_sim_samples(1, 100, 100, "all")
#' mdat <- mmdata(samps[["scores"]], samps[["labels"]],
#' modnames = samps[["modnames"]]
#' )
#' ## Generate an mscurve object that contains ROC and Precision-Recall curves
#' mscurves <- evalmod(mdat)
#' ## Shows AUCs
#' auc(mscurves)
#' ##################################################
#' ### Single model & multiple test datasets
#' ###
#' ## Create sample datasets with 100 positives and 100 negatives
#' samps <- create_sim_samples(4, 100, 100, "good_er")
#' mdat <- mmdata(samps[["scores"]], samps[["labels"]],
#' modnames = samps[["modnames"]],
#' dsids = samps[["dsids"]]
#' )
#' ## Generate an smcurve object that contains ROC and Precision-Recall curves
#' smcurves <- evalmod(mdat, raw_curves = TRUE)
#' ## Get AUCs
#' sm_aucs <- auc(smcurves)
#' ## Shows AUCs
#' sm_aucs
#' ## Get AUCs of Precision-Recall
#' sm_aucs_prc <- subset(sm_aucs, curvetypes == "PRC")
#' ## Shows AUCs
#' sm_aucs_prc
#' ##################################################
#' ### Multiple models & multiple test datasets
#' ###
#' ## Create sample datasets with 100 positives and 100 negatives
#' samps <- create_sim_samples(4, 100, 100, "all")
#' mdat <- mmdata(samps[["scores"]], samps[["labels"]],
#' modnames = samps[["modnames"]],
#' dsids = samps[["dsids"]]
#' )
#' ## Generate an mscurve object that contains ROC and Precision-Recall curves
#' mmcurves <- evalmod(mdat, raw_curves = TRUE)
#' ## Get AUCs
#' mm_aucs <- auc(mmcurves)
#' ## Shows AUCs
#' mm_aucs
#' ## Get AUCs of Precision-Recall
#' mm_aucs_prc <- subset(mm_aucs, curvetypes == "PRC")
#' ## Shows AUCs
#' mm_aucs_prc
#' @export
auc <- function(curves) UseMethod("auc", curves)
#' @export
auc.default <- function(curves) {
stop("An object of unknown class is specified")
# Print AUC scores
#' @rdname auc
#' @export
auc.aucs <- function(curves) {
# Validation
# Return AUC scores
attr(curves, "aucs")
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