Man pages for evanchildress/wbPersist

eggSurvivePlace holder for egg survival model until it is read
getEnvLogitPhiEstimates the environmental part of survival by estimating...
getGrowthPerformanceEstimates growth performance, i.e., the temperature part of...
getMoveProbReturn the probability of moving to each river given a...
growEstimates actual growth given performance, other covariates,...
moveReturns a vector of locations given a matrix of movement...
recruitLengthPlaceholder until model for length at recruitment is...
spawnReturns number of eggs produced from fork lengths based on...
stageTransitionReturns a vector of stages making transitions for YOY to...
surviveGets a survival probability given the environmental...
evanchildress/wbPersist documentation built on May 16, 2019, 9:36 a.m.