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A collection of useful tools for UK politics, including base maps and datasets. Initially inspired by Bhaskar Karambelkar's tilegrams package, but with the ability to create a hexagonal map of UK parliamentary constituencies. The package also includes functions for data retrieval of current MPs and their consituency details (as it requires calls to two different APIs, this function is not included in my hansard or mnis packages), and data from the 2015 UK General Election, courtesy of the British Election Study.

The most up-to-date documentation for the development version will always be at


parlitools is available on CRAN. To install on CRAN run:


Or, if you use pacman:


To install the development version from GitHub, run:


Functions and Data

For more details see the full documentation or the vignettes.

Included Data

party_colour - A tibble with the ID, name and hex code for the official colour of a variety of political parties, taken from Wikipedia. Includes all political parties with MPs and a number without MPs. (Sources:, mnis::ref_parties())

bes_2015 - A tibble with the British Election Study 2015 Constituency Results Version 2.2. For information on all the variables in this dataset, see the bes-2015 vignette (Source:

bes_2017 - A tibble with Great Britain constituencies results from the 2017 general election. This data can be linked to 2011 census information in census_11.

census_11 - A tibble with constituency-level census data.

leave_votes_west - The percentage of votes cast for leave in the 2016 EU referendum. Some constituencies have actual results and others only have estimates by Chris Hanretty; in cases where the actual cote count is known, both the estimates and the actual results are reported. (Sources:

Data Retrieval Functions

current_mps - Uses functions from hansard and mnis to create a tibble with data on all current MPs, their party affiliation and their constituency.

mps_on_date - Uses functions from hansard and mnis to create a tibble with data on all MPs from a given date, their party affiliation and their constituency.

Included Maps

west_hex_map - A hexagonal cartogram, stored as a simple feature and data frame, of Westminster parliamentary constituencies. west_hex_map can be used to create maps like this:


west_hex_map <- parlitools::west_hex_map

party_colour <- parlitools::party_colour

mps <- mps_on_date("2017-04-19")

mps_colours <- left_join(mps, party_colour, by = "party_id") #Join to current MP data

west_hex_map <- left_join(west_hex_map, mps_colours, by = "gss_code") #Join colours to hexagon map

# Creating map labels
labels <- paste0(
  "<strong>", west_hex_map$constituency_name, "</strong>", "</br>",
  "Party: ", west_hex_map$party_name, "</br>",
  "MP: ", west_hex_map$display_as, "</br>",
  "Most Recent Result: ", west_hex_map$result_of_election, "</br>",
  "Current Majority: ", west_hex_map$majority, " votes"
) %>% lapply(htmltools::HTML)

# Creating the map itself
  dragging = FALSE, zoomControl = FALSE, tap = FALSE,
  minZoom = 6, maxZoom = 6, maxBounds = list(list(2.5,-7.75),list(58.25,50.0)),
  attributionControl = FALSE),
  west_hex_map) %>%
    color = "grey",
    opacity = 0.5,
    fillOpacity = 1,
    fillColor = ~party_colour,
    label=labels)  %>%
    "function(x, y) {
        var myMap = this;['background'] = '#fff';

local_hex_map - Hexagonal cartogram, A hexagonal cartogram, stored as a simple feature and data frame, of all Local Authorities in England, Wales and Scotland.

Using parlitools

Instructions and examples of each function, along with maps and datasets, are available here.

For more details, please see the introductory vignette, using parlitools with cartogram, mapping local authorities and the vignette detailing the British Election Study 2015 and British Election Study 2017 variables.

Additional Data Sources

There are a variety of potentially relevant data sources and datasets on UK politics, far too many for me to include them all in this package.

evanodell/parlitools documentation built on May 4, 2023, 10:04 p.m.