
#'@name round
#'@title the improved version of base::round function
#'@description get the number closest to its first argument which can be divided by exactly unit
#'@param x numeric vectors which will be rounded
#'@param unit the unit which is smaller than x
#'round(12345, 100)
#'round(1.098, 0.03)
round <- function(x, unit)
  if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("input vector is not numeric!")
  if(unit <= 0)
    warning("the unit is not more than zero, the original values will be returned!")
  lower <- floor(x / unit) * unit
  higher <- ceiling(x / unit) * unit
  res <- ifelse(2 * x - lower - higher <= 0, lower, higher)
evanwang1990/process documentation built on May 16, 2019, 9:38 a.m.