Man pages for evmo/Rgps
Functions for Munging GPS Tracking Data

add_map_labelsAdd labels to points on map
base_mapCreate a blank map
coord2tzGet timezone from lat/lon coordinates via Google Timezone API
dist_from_startDistance from first to last trackpoint (straight line)
dist_to_finishDistance between current position and finish
ETAEstimated time of arrival
extract_coordExtract coordinates from route or track
gpx_creatorParse creator of a GPX file
haversineDistance between two points (haversine formula)
helloHello, World!
map_path_linesAdd path lines to map
map_path_pointsAdd path points to map
process_inreach_xmlProcess inReach XML API response
progress_per_timeGet progress per time interval
p_sec_HMPrint Hours:Minutes
p_trk_elapsed_HMPrint elapsed time of track ([H]H:MM)
read_garmin_connectRead Garmin Connect
read_gpxRead GPX file
read_inreachRead data from Garmin inReach API
read_MT_histRead from MarineTraffic historical positions API
read_spotRead data from the SPOT API
read_spot_csvRead SPOT-exported track in CSV format
read_spot_jsonRead SPOT JSON
read_tcxRead TCX file
read_ybRead YB Tracking
route_distCalculate route distance
sec2hms_vSeconds to c(H, M, S)
spot_buildRead multiple pages of SPOT data
spot_colsConvert raw SPOT messages to lat/lon/time data-frame
spot_colsDTConvert raw SPOT messages to lat/lon/time data-frame (DT...
spot_mungeGrab relevant columns from data-frame of SPOT API call
spot_pageRead single page of data from the SPOT API
spot_tryRead one page of SPOT data
spot_urlConstruct SPOT API request URL
time_remainEstimated time remaining to finish
trk_distTotal track distance (sum of trackpoints)
trk_downsampleDownsample a track with evenly spaced times to a target...
trk_elapsed_secElapsed time of track
trk_mapCreate a map of a track
trk_mutateMutate a track (base R implementation) Add derived variables:...
trk_mutate_dplyrMutate a track (dplyr implementation) Add derived variables:...
trk_reduceReduce trackpoint frequency
trk_since_lastElapsed time since last trackpoint
evmo/Rgps documentation built on March 23, 2023, 2:24 a.m.