Man pages for exoulster/bitmexws
BitMEX Websocket Connection and Utilities

as_msg#' @import dplyr #' @export to_scd = function(ob,...
import_tradeImport trade into DB
init_orderBookL2Initialize DB and orderBookL2 tables
init_tradeInitialize DB and trade related tables
modify.orderBookL2Update orderBookL2
ob_incrementMake snapshot from event records Returns tibble (hash table)
parse_msg_dataParse msg$data, return data.frame
parse_msg_rawParse raw message from event$data
read_msgsRead msgs from file
save_dataSave data in the form of data.frame
stream_handlerenv[['ACTIVE_STREAM']] is the state machine
exoulster/bitmexws documentation built on June 6, 2019, 7:43 p.m.