
The eurostatR package package provides an R interface to the Eurostat API.

To install the development version:


Example usage

Start by retrieving a dataframe with all available data sets:


flows <- get_dataflows()
##          id
## 1 DS-008573
## 2 DS-016890
## 3 DS-016893
## 4 DS-016894
## 5 DS-018995
## 6 DS-022469
##                                                                                     description
## 1 Sold production, exports and imports for steel by PRODCOM list (NACE Rev. 1.1) - monthly data
## 2                                                                    EU trade since 1988 by CN8
## 3                                                                    EU trade since 1995 by HS6
## 4                                                                EU trade since 1988 by HS2-HS4
## 5                                                                   EU trade since 1988 by SITC
## 6                                         EXTRA EU trade since 1999 by mode of transport (NSTR)

Now, let's say we're interested in the share of employees with a doctorate, broken down by occupation:

flows[grep("doctorate", flows$description),]
##             id
## 319  cdh_c_neu
## 322 cdh_e_diss
## 323  cdh_e_fos
## 324  cdh_e_fsp
## 325  cdh_e_lgt
## 326  cdh_e_mob
## 327 cdh_e_occ1
## 328 cdh_e_occ2
## 329 cdh_e_rlgt
## 330  cdh_e_une
## 332  cdh_m_mov
## 333  cdh_m_reg
##                                                                                                                    description
## 319                                                                    Non-EU doctorate holders in total doctorate holders (%)
## 322                                               Level of dissatisfaction of employed doctorate holders by reason and sex (%)
## 323                     Employed doctorate holders in non managerial and non professional occupations by fields of science (%)
## 324                 Employed doctorate holders working as researchers by sex, fields of science and sectors of performance (%)
## 325                         Employed doctorate holders by length of stay with the same employer and sectors of performance (%)
## 326    Employed doctorate holders working as researchers by job mobility and sectors of performance over the last 10 years (%)
## 327                                                                      Employed doctorate holders by occupation (ISCO_88, %)
## 328                                                                      Employed doctorate holders by occupation (ISCO_08, %)
## 329                             Employed doctorate holders working as researchers by length of stay with the same employer (%)
## 330                                                                Unemployment rate of doctorate holders by fields of science
## 332 National doctorate holders having lived or stayed abroad in the past 10 years by reason for returning into the country (%)
## 333               National doctorate holders having lived or stayed abroad in the past 10 years by previous region of stay (%)
id <- "cdh_e_occ1"

Before getting the data, we need to know the available dimensions for this data set:

dims <- get_dimensions(id)
## List of 3
##  $ dimensions:List of 5
##   ..$ FREQ  :'data.frame':   7 obs. of  2 variables:
##   .. ..$ id         : chr [1:7] "D" "W" "Q" "A" ...
##   .. ..$ description: chr [1:7] "Daily" "Weekly" "Quarterly" "Annual" ...
##   ..$ GEO   :'data.frame':   18 obs. of  2 variables:
##   .. ..$ id         : chr [1:18] "BG" "DK" "DE" "EE" ...
##   .. ..$ description: chr [1:18] "Bulgaria" "Denmark" "Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)" "Estonia" ...
##   ..$ ISCO88:'data.frame':   26 obs. of  2 variables:
##   .. ..$ id         : chr [1:26] "TOTAL" "ISCO1" "ISCO2" "ISCO21" ...
##   .. ..$ description: chr [1:26] "Total" "Legislators, senior officials and managers" "Professionals" "Physical, mathematical and engineering science professionals" ...
##   ..$ UNIT  :'data.frame':   1 obs. of  2 variables:
##   .. ..$ id         : chr "PC"
##   .. ..$ description: chr "Percentage"
##   ..$ Y_GRAD:'data.frame':   2 obs. of  2 variables:
##   .. ..$ id         : chr [1:2] "TOTAL" "Y_GE1990"
##   .. ..$ description: chr [1:2] "Total" "1990 and after"
##  $ other     :List of 2
##   ..$ OBS_FLAG  :'data.frame':   12 obs. of  2 variables:
##   .. ..$ id         : chr [1:12] "f" "u" "d" "e" ...
##   .. ..$ description: chr [1:12] "forecast" "low reliability" "definition differs, see metadata" "estimated" ...
##   ..$ OBS_STATUS:'data.frame':   3 obs. of  2 variables:
##   .. ..$ id         : chr [1:3] "na" "-" "0"
##   .. ..$ description: chr [1:3] "not available" "not applicable or real zero or zero by default" "less than half of the unit used"
##  $ key       : chr "cdh_e_occ1.FREQ.Y_GRAD.UNIT.ISCO88.GEO"

The last value of the returned list (dims$key) gives the general form of the key that we need to request. By inspecting the dimensions in the list, we find that FREQ should be A (annual), Y_GRAD should be TOTAL, and UNIT should be PC (percent). The dimension ISCO88 gives the different occupations, and since we want all of these, we leave that dimension empty. Finally we want to look at date for Germany and the US (DE and US), which we specify with a +.

key <- "cdh_e_occ1.A.TOTAL.PC..DE+US"
doctorates <- get_data(key)
##   isco88 unit y_grad geo freq obstime obsvalue obs_status
## 1  ISCO1   PC  TOTAL  DE    A    2009       NA         na
## 2  ISCO1   PC  TOTAL  DE    A    2006     4.47       <NA>
## 3  ISCO1   PC  TOTAL  US    A    2009       NA         na
## 4  ISCO1   PC  TOTAL  US    A    2006    10.49       <NA>
## 5  ISCO2   PC  TOTAL  DE    A    2009       NA         na
## 6  ISCO2   PC  TOTAL  DE    A    2006    84.14       <NA>

We can now plot these data as a parallel coordinates plot:


doctorates <- left_join(doctorates, dims$dimensions$ISCO88, 
                        by = c("isco88" = "id"))

# Factor order for occupation variable, in descending order
lvls <- doctorates %>% 
  filter(geo == "US") %>% 
  arrange(obsvalue) %>% 

doctorates %>% 
  filter(obstime == 2006) %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  filter(description != "Professionals") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = factor(description, lvls), 
             y = obsvalue, fill = geo, color = geo, group = geo)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  coord_flip() +
  theme_light(8) +
  labs(y = "% share of employees", x = NULL,
       title = "Employed doctorate holders by occupation")

The chart tells us e.g. that doctorates are much more prevalent among teaching professionals in the US than they are in Germany.


This package is in no way officially related to, or endorsed by, the Eurostat.

expersso/eurostatR documentation built on May 16, 2019, 9:44 a.m.